I Think I Like My Strange Roommate

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AN: Sorry I haven't been updating, I've been in a bad place and I got caught up with school and what not. Again, I'm sorry. I wrote this for you all, enjoy!

(Ashur didn't really say anything about their names or said that we couldn't give them the names so the name of the guy that talks about his strange roommate is Oliver while his strange roommate is Adam)

Oliver got back from work to his apartment he shares with his roommate. He felt himself relax after seeing his roommate, Adam. He always felt comfortable around Adam as he could trust him with anything. Adam pointed to their cat's bowl signing him to feed their cat. "Got it.", Oliver said with a smile and nod.

After he's done filling the cat's bowl with cat food he looks over at what Adam's cooking. "What are you making? Smells great.", Oliver didn't really care what he ate as Adam's cooking was always so delicious. Adam moved aside letting him look at what he was making. "Nice, chicken soup. I bet it tastes amazing." Adam smiled, oh how Oliver loves that smile. He used to find his smile creepy, but now it's kind of cute. 

After a few minutes, the soup is done. Adam pours the soup into a bowl and places it where Oliver sits at. He sat down across from him, watching him eat. Oliver looked up and made eye contact with him for a split second then quickly looked back down at his soup and blushes. 'Wait no, I don't like him...yeah totally....shit-', Oliver thought to himself as he finished his soup.  Oliver cleared his throat, "So um need me to get anything?" Adam shook his head no. "Okay, I'll be in my room if you need me." He smiled and went to his room leaving Adam alone in the kitchen.

Oliver laid on his bed and kept thinking about Adam. The way he smiles, the way he's so thoughtful, the way he makes him feel. Just thinking about him makes him smile. Will they ever happen? Will it work?...Will he love him? You know what? He was going to get him something. He got up from his bed and exited his room. "Adam, I'll be back just going to get something real quick!" He yelled out to Adam and practically ran out the door. He quickly got to the store and bought a teddy bear, and a rose. He gets back to the apartment and knocks on Adam's door, Adam opens it. "Hey, Adam I got you something!" He held out the bear and rose in front of him and Adam took it. He did his creepy smile which made Oliver smile. "You like it?" Adam nod. "Good, I um...I don't know what else to say other than, I like you"

(Ha cliff hanger! Get it? Because it's April fools...April 1st?...ha yeah funny. I'll release part two in who knows how long, but for now bye see ya!)

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