We will go back home!

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Previously in Squad chaos:

After a whole month of separation between squad chaos members, they all met and got together once again, but it wasn't a great get together. It all happened in the middle of a battle that they can never forget. They gained more companions but also, they lost one of their loved ones. Which drew a deep hole in Ave's life as it was one thing that kept her going on with her life when she wasn't able to find her brother. But, she is not letting it become a hindrance for their objective. Their main motive. To restore the former glory of this world, to bring an end to the never ending shenanigans from the Coruscants.

Even in Coruscants there still are good in them, like Leone and Luna.

Right now the squad has left the broken down Coruscant mansion where Luna lived alone after escaping from her family. They all are headed towards Glacion, The land of Frost, on their way to leave Selenia. Shiroi has located the final key piece and as soon as they obtain it, they will reach the final stage in their plan.

As for Borathin (Hell), Yoshida has discovered some secrets that might be related to the beginning of this doom and his brother, he aims to uncover more as to succeed in his way out of Borathin.

Present day: Squad heading to Glacion:

Everyone, Shiroi, Sha, Aly, Ave, Ky, Ming, Claire, Horus, Kraton and his sister Margarette, Luna and Yuki was sitting inside the wagon, while Raizo and Jiao both were driving it.

Luna couldn't help but think about the tattoos on the squad's wrists. So she built up her courage and decided to ask Aly about it.

Luna: Hey.. *She says poking Aly's thigh who was sitting next to her*

Aly: *She looks at Luna confused* Yeah?

Luna: I wanted to ask... *She hesitates a bit before continuing* mhm.. *then she points at Aly's wrist* That.. that mark on everyone's wrist.. what is it?

Aly: *She looks at her wrist and smiles before she looks back at Luna* Well, it's all because of Sha.

Luna: Sha? *She whimpers confused*

Aly: Yeah, during our battle in Zaiaku, one of the enemies was a dear friend of hers, and he gave Sha a wound that will leave a permanent scar. She didn't want it to be visible, so she asked Ming to put a mark on it and hide the scar.

Ming: *Who was sitting next to Luna as well spoke up* For me, I thought a trident would be the best. And it became a scarred trident.

Luna: oh... *She tilts her head confusingly as she asked* Then how did it get on everyone's hand?

Ming: *She giggles and leans forward while sitting, and looks at Aly* That's a cute story.. right Aly?

Aly: Hehe... yeah.. we all felt that we should get the same mark, so she wont feel lonely.. *She smiles proudly*

Ming: Annd I had to put the mark on everyone's wrist. *She says letting out a sigh as it was a tiring thing to do*

Luna: I see.. *She smiles slightly*

Ming: *She looks at Luna and smiles and asked teasingly* awn?,You want one too????

Luna: *She gasps startled hearing Ming* Hah? Me? No no.. no.. I was just asking.. hehe.. *She turns away awkwardly as if she actually really wanted one too*

Squad Chaos - 06 - Winter Preludes to ChaosDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora