The gig at the house party

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Kai Scott
We got to the rooftop and I sat down somewhere
"Let's go guys" Jeremy cheered us up
I'm sad I looked at the guys and sighed
Chris came and joined us, he looked at me" Kai let's talk"
I followed him quietly I've given up on everything already I just lost my dad and see me here practicing for a gig that...
" Why did you bring me out here" I asked
" I'm sorry about your loss" he said, I smirked " I know how it feels to lose someone you love and cherish" he said
" Stop beating around the bush" I said not interested in whatever he was saying
" Luther is coming"
" Why are you telling me" I raised a brow
" To mock you about your father's death" I clenched my fist, he smiled" Don't get angry be composed" he said and left me standing

I forced a smile when I saw the boys doing well, I really want them to perish because of miss x
" Hello sir Edwards" I bowed I hate showing respect to him, I just want him down so I can take his place in treasure mint idols
" Your boys are really doing well" I said looking around for the new girls team
"And I heard of Mr Scott's death" I mocked
I know Kai very well, he'll flare up and attack me but surprisingly he said nothing , I clenched my fist and sighed
The girls team entered the dinning slowly
"You kept sir Edwards waiting" I yelled at them
They bowed and sir Edwards cleared his throat
" I sent them to Chris" I forced a smile and sighed, everything went bad for me but I bet it went well for them

I entered my office and called the Street rulers immediately
" I want you to crush the blue oceans during the gig" I gritted My teeth
" I've planned to make them sing first and then we'll sing and make everyone forget about them" Xavier smiled
I thought for a while and sighed " No make sure you sing before them and I'll bring in some fake fans to stop the blue oceans" I said
" So you want people to talk about us after the show and feel disappointed in the blue oceans" Jeremiah said and I clicked my tongue he's so smart

I dropped the manuscript on the table and faced Arthur
"Are you sure about everything" I asked and he nodded
" I'm not too sure because I just guessed" he said, I smiled
The Barbies entered our class room and we ushered them to seat
" Welcome girls" I greeted them with a smile
" What do you want" Jay asked
" I really need your help girls" we chorused
" Hmm ..I thought as much" Amy rolled her eyes
" What do you want" Laura asked and I smiled

Sir Edwards
Chris entered my office in a hurry
" What's wrong " I asked
" Well the Sony competition has been closed "
" Ok ..." I looked at him
" The Barbies couldn't register " he said and I clenched my fist knowing fully well that there is high possibility of the blue oceans not winning and I sighed
My phone rang and I picked the call." Hello " the caller said
" Hi" I said not interested I already know who's calling
"I called to check up on my baby Thea " she said
" She's practicing with the other girls" I said and she smiled
" I was worried she didn't pick her calls..well thanks " she hung up

I just entered the cafeteria and picked the food I want to eat
" Hey Thea over here " Jay waved, I smiled and was about to go to their table but I mistakenly hit someone
" I'm sorry" I bowed
" You did it intentionally " she said angrily and I raised my head up it was Sharon
" Oh really " I said and the kids brought out their phone to start doing videos, seeing that she put on a pitiful look and wiped her eyes, I smiled noticing her tricks
" You should have said sorry "
" Oh really I didn't say sorry" I raised a brow
" You even pushed me now see my clothes " she said pitifully
I laughed and gave her my napkin
" Clean yourself up" I left her and went to meet the girls
" Well let's go to our class" Jessy said and we got up

We entered the blue oceans class after they called for us
" You know we have a plan and you ruined it" Kai yelled
" Stop it already Kai" Jake said angrily
" Why" Kai roared
" You need to do something about your temper we won't be in this situation if you didn't go crazy for love " Mario yelled
" Oh because Sharon is involved " Amy asked angrily and threw the papers on the table away
" You deserve pain" Laura yelled
"You all should stop this " Kai yelled
" Don't tell them to stop" I yelled and everywhere became quiet
I'm  known to be a very quiet person but I'm  yelling right now they were shocked
" Kai you're being stupid right now" I said gently This time around
" You don't deserve to be a leader If you can't find solutions to problem without the teams contribution " I said angrily and stormed out of their class

I got to the garden and sat down sadly, I've loved Kai all my life but now I think I should give up on our love
I got up when I heard a girl crying
" Who are you" I asked after tracing the voice to the northern part of the garden
"I'm a fan " she bowed happily
" Why are you crying" I asked
" Because of the hateful comments about the Barbies online" she said
I collect the her phone
"They deserve death why are they feeling like celebrities" John
" I really know they're jealous of our queens" jovial

I smiled and face her" I'll handle this now knowing I already have fans" I smiled
" I have something for you" she Said and I looked at her puzzled

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