Your Sister Knows Best

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Trey's POV

Cassandra had given us directions to a house in the suburbs. She said it was her second oldest sister's home.

"Please be yourselves, minus the flirtiness, Rome." She told us as she knocked.

I had seen pictures of her siblings on occasion and knew that they all looked alike more or less. Cass did mention she was the tallest among her siblings, so when her sister opened the door, I was not surprised by how much they looked alike. She looked like an older version of Cassie but fairer skinned and rather top heavy compared to my girlfriend.

"Cass, you brought brownies," but her sister's eyes weren't on the tray in her hands, "I'm not completely surprised."

Her eyes were all but critical as they looked me and Rome over.

"Isa, you're scaring them," Cassie says.

"If I'm scary, they should see the other two. Welcome to my home, I'm one of Cassie's older sisters, Isabella. You can call me Isa."

I shake her hand, "I'm Trey."

"The friend turned lover, I assume?" There's a knowing smile on her face.

Thank god you can't tell when I blush. "Yes."

"Cassie was always a cute kid. We always thought she had a pretty face, so it was hard to believe she never had anyone show an interest before." She tells us then extends a hand to Roman, "You must be Roman then."

He nods and shakes her hand, "Rome is fine."

Isabella looks him over again, eyes lingering on his crotch, "Good job, sis."

Cassie flushes and turns to us, "Sorry."

Isabella leads us inside and to the backyard. Cassie's other two sisters are sitting at the table.

"Eva, Mayra, we have guests."

Mayra looks at us, face stern and eyes sharp. I know it's her just by how she carries herself. She has the oldest sister energy about her. Eva... that's another story.

Cassie told us she's the closest to her of all her sisters, probably because they're closer in age. But Eva has been explained as the more...wildcard of sorts. Cass said she has a gun permit and has taken and passed shooting training. Eva could literally kill both of us if we ever hurt Cass.

Rome makes the first step, and Eva's back bristles like a growling dog.

"E," Cass says, "please be nice."

Mayra stands up and comes over, "I'm Cassie's oldest sister, Mayra."

"Roman, ma'am."

Mayra's eye twitches, "Don't call me ma'am."

"Sorry," he quickly says. "I was trying to be respectful." He looks like he's actually nervous for once in his life.

"I'm Trey," I introduce myself and shake her hand. "It's nice to meet you."

She grabs my chin and tilts my face this way, and that. "Good genes."

"Thank you?"

"Eva, come say hi." Mayra says.

Eva gets up and comes over. The shortest of the siblings. Her eyes are hard, and her lips are set in a flat line.

"Hurt my sister, and I'll come pay you a visit," she says.

Cassandra face palms, "Eva, they've been taking care of me."

"It's the least they can do after knocking you up." Eva mutters.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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