Car Ride with a bear

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(TW: PISS, Sexual, NSFW)

The man turned around and saw max. He smiled, he saw the hypnotic teddy and his smile turned to a smirk. "I touched a rich brat..." he began to laugh. "You know your ass was so nice, maybe you want uncle Tyler's pacifier?" The man pulled down his pants and underwear just a little where max could see Tyler's penis. "Fuck, I can't wait to use you as my toy." He walked up to max and touched Max's head, pushing it down. "You shouldn't do that." A voice neither max nor Tyler had heard spoke. Tyler turned around to see Rex next to him, Rex was now a giant teddy bear. Rex had grabbed Tyler.

Rex looked at max and smiled, setting off the hypnosis. Max stumbled and fell he began to crawl on the sidewalk towards the entrance to the building. James should be able to see him soon, that was Rex's goal. As well for max to forget this whole thing, so Rex would probably just hypnotize him to forget lunch and replace the memory with a fake one. James walked outside to see max crawling like a baby and eating a rock he found on the floor. "Baby come on."

He lifted max up and turned the corner to see a guy begging for Rex to stop. He sighed. "Touch another little boy or girl and I will have Rex hunt you down and rape you till you bleed scum." He kicked Tyler's face. "Come on now Rex, you turned max into a 6 month old and I need him back to a toddler. I don't watch full babys." He got in the car, Rex seemed to just appear in the car as he did everywhere else.

Rex sat in the front, max still being the baby he was told to be began to scream and throw things.
Max didn't understand a lot of words due to the hypnosis, he kept hearing Rex and got mad when he couldn't have him. "I WAN REX!" Max screamed at the top of his lungs. Rex then rapidly appeared beside Max, he held a look at Rex and winced in pain. Max held his head and grunted. "See told you it was a bad idea to eat that much ice cream little guy." James smiled as he spoke towards max.

Max blanked for a moment. He couldn't remember a lot other than eating some food and then him making a mess with the fish. "Where are we going daddy?" He asked, it was around 1:30pm and he didn't want to go home just yet. "Why the park of course!" James smiled and then began to press the petal more. "You know daddy is rich and can get you anything right? You want anything at the moment. I bought you toys this morning, so I guess clothes?" James wanted to make his wrong doings right. So he offered what he could to max.

"Maybe some underwear, even if it's briefs! A few hoodies? And overalls and more shirts like this one!" Max wasn't under the full extent of the hypnosis. It seemed Rex had a limit and was hitting it. James noticed it wasn't stuff a toddler would ask for, more of a semi conscious kid. "Okay, daddy has to go in this store and I want you to stay here!" James left the car and locked the doors. He put all the doors on child lock through the app on his phone.

Max began to hum and pick up Rex. "Rex if you could go play at the park what would you do?" Rex didn't respond. He looked at max and smiled. "Max just enjoy the time you have, as a toddler." Rex stared into Maxs eyes and blinked. "Fuck you stupid bear. I know your giving me these headac-" max stopped and began to giggle and cuddle Rex. Rex knew he was gonna loose his battery charge if he didn't do something soon. He hit max again with the hypnotic eyes and max dropped Rex. Rex put himself on charge using a phone cord. It wasn't the strongest charging so it would take a while.

Max was giggling and using his imagination to keep himself from boredom. He looked around the car and lost sight of both Rex and James. He began to look around, seeming to be in panic. "DADDY?" He hollered and he began to worm and pull at the belt on his car seats. Tears were flooding from his eyes and he started to breathe heavy. Kicking the seat and pushing away from it. He continued to breathe hard and struggle to get out of the car seat. He passed out from the way he was breathing.

He woke up to the trunk closing and his door opening. "Come on!" He unbuckled max. "She wants to talk to you, she has some stuff for you to wear!" James smiled and lifted him out of his car seat and on the ground. He grabbed Rex, seeing he was plugged into a cord that couldn't charge Rex well. "Seems we are gonna have fun?" Max nodded and giggled. He held Max's hand and walked him into a shop covered in clouds and different cloths. A big play corner was on the left side. It was just a well carpeted room, with a small wall. Crawling babys couldn't get over it, but adults could step over it.

Max was amazed when he saw her, a very beautiful lady. Young, with long black hair, a red flora mom dress, an apron over it. Another baby boy was in the room.


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