"an adeptus night out." three

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"an adeptus night out."
chapter three


The night was dark. All that illumated his endless path were streetlights. The Adeptus stood on a rooftop of a small building in silence. All that filled the air was the constant whooshing of cars passing by, and the wind passing by his delicate ears.

He felt like himself again. After some time to adjust to his entirely new environment, he's begun to avert back to his indifferent and quiet nature. He watched the city in awe. It was simular to his home, Liyue Harbor. However, the buildings were entirely different. They stretched through the sky.

Though, something felt missing. His spear was missing. He couldn't simply teleport it into his hand, he had no way of knowing where it was. Instead, he tried to sense where it was. But with all the different, overwhelming sounds, such as people chatting, dogs barking, or anything else in particular, he found it difficult focusing.

In desperation, he tried teleporting himself somewhere quiet. He ended up at a small park, close to a museum.

In that very moment, the Adeptus felt a sudden surge of power. It nearly toppled him over. Without all of the overwhelming noises, he could properly and clearly tell where the sudden sense was coming from. He moved his body slowly to where he felt like where it was, which left him right in front of the museum. There was a sign that said "The Impact Museum." The building was modernized.

He tried opening the door, yet to no avail. With nothing else to do, he simply teleported inside. His purple diamond mark on his forehead pulsed more and more the more steps he took within the museum.

And that's when his eyes landed on something. Something encased in glass.

His weapon. His spear. The Primordial Jade Winged - Spear.

The crystal in the middle of it glowed much brighter then before. It illuminated the room with a soft, warm green glow. The sudden strong energy caused the cameras to malfunction. The man closely watching the cameras got up as fast as he could, and alerted security.

But.. when they arrived at the scene, there wasn't any sign of break ins. The spear was gone.. and yet, the glass hadn't broken. It had only cracked.. but what even happened? They weren't sure.

"The hell happened.." One night guard asked their colleague.

"W.. was this the work on a ghost? Oh goodness.. I told you she's real! Ghosts are real! Why did I even get this job?!"

In the midst of panic, the Adeptus stood in an empty park, holding his spear again. It seemed it was preserved from his time.. it was dirty, and rusty. Perhaps he should take his weapon to a blacksmith.. but who knows, what if the humans of today were scared of him? He thought to himself quietly.

He decided he would train. To get his weak body back to normal. The human who took him in before.. Y/N, was it? She could probably wait atleast day for him. He was still going to return to her house in the end. He was still unsure of the new world he was accidentally brought into.

Hours and hours of training went by quickly for him. He fought the made up creatures in his mind endlessly. The sun rose up again, as the moon slowly began to set once more. He fought, and fought.

After what seemed to be long enough, he picked his blade up in a sweat, breathing heavily. Throwing his spear away, it dissapeared in a flash. It seemed there was still some source of elemental energy coursing through the planet's core. He was still able to do things he did before, which many other vision bearers were able to do back in his time.

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