"the boy, the girl, and the cat." four

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"the boy, the girl, and the cat."
chapter four


"No Xiao, you can't go outside." You spoke firmly, crossing your arms and pouting. Meanwhile, Xiao only frowned.. just like always.

It seemed he didn't exactly enjoy being cooped up in your room all of the time, as he kept trying to go out. Either to get familiar with his surroundings, or to practice his skills in private without breaking anything. Sure, you wouldn't mind before, but now.. with the news going around, you just couldn't let him spill such a dangerous secret; himself.

"I have been nearly caught by your parents multiple times being in your room." He replied in a harsh and rough tone.

"Still, I can't let you risk being caught." You wouldn't listen to reasoning this time around.

It's been a few weeks ever since his appearance in public; more so his accidental appearance. It's also been a few weeks ever since the spear went missing back at the Impact Museum. Many people had already made up many theories, trying to put two and two together. The appearance of Xiao, then his own weapon going missing.. some people were already beginning to figure out practically everything.

You were worrying about this, a little too much in fact. A powerful Adeptus capable of death, who was suppose to be pronounced dead thousands of years ago or less.. when visions and gods were still around. It was a story usually made to be fantasy and fiction, but she was worried that if perhaps the government ever found him, they'd take him away.

With the power and weapons that the government was said to even have really stressed you out. If they ever managed to take Xiao away.. wouldn't it have been her fault? For accidentally awakening the one and only? Well, now that you thought about it.. just how did you even awaken him in the first place?

You did just place your hand on his crystallized body, then-..

"I can simply teleport away to my own will. Do not worry so much, mere mortal."

His voice interrupted your nonstop running thoughts, causing you to snap out of it, and look back at him with a determinated expression clearly present on your face.

"... Fine. Just don't stray too far from the house. Or go anywhere too public.."

Then, you suddenly remembered something. The thing he mentioned back when you and Xiao met the second time.. in the backyard of your parents house..

"Wait.. so when do you plan on leaving my house and adventure on your own?" You mentioned.

He went silent, letting out a light hum and facing away from you. He had to think about it for a moment, he had to think on how he'd arrange his words into proper sentences instead of cutting himself off mid-sentence.

"... I am still unsure of my way nor where to go. I haven't found anybody whom I recognize, which I expected anyways. This place is still confusing and too unfamilar.."

"I need.. help adjusting and learning this.. modern day technology and.. stuff."

He never had asked you of many things, it was almost surprisingly he hadn't learnt much. At the same time.. he was always stuck in the house after what happened a few weeks ago. Plus, you were always either busy with school, homework, or busy hanging out with friends..

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