Chapter One: Strawberry Milkshakes

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The Scarletts were once a loving, joyful family, though it was short lived it was nice while it lasted. Oran would laugh and play games with little Terence and Avery would talk to her twin Amaya as she attempted to read peacefully. Amaya would secretly journal about the things Avery said she liked so when it came to birthdays, Amaya always had the best gift for her.

Their mother, Hayley, was a kind soul in her early twenties who normally wore red dresses with silver necklaces and red lipstick that made her light blue eyes stand out, her hair, a pale peachy white colour, was usually tied up into a bun-like updo. Their father, Rowan, was a tall tanned man in his late forties who had deep green eyes and dark brown hair that was slightly longer than the average hair for men at the time. Amaya, Avery and Terence got Rowan's hair while Oran got the off white colour of Hayleys hair. Terence got his mum's eyes and his dad's skin while Amaya got her dad's eyes and her mother's skin tone. Avery got a mix of her mother and fathers skin and her father's eyes. Oran got a concerning porcelain colour of skin that lead to many people asking him if he was sick constantly.


November 1st 1978, Wednesday 12:35.

"Rowan. You have been coming home later and later every evening and our savings are withering at an alarming rate. If you do not stop your gambling habits there will be nothing left to raise the children-"
Hayley tried to explain calmly as to not strike a violent altercation between the two, but Rowan had been heavily intoxicated at the time. A rough, closed fist collided with Hayley's nose before she could finish explaining. Her head swung to the side as she screamed in shock and pain.
'Shut up bitch' Rowan said with slurred speach, pulling his fist back towards his face. He stared down at his knuckles and noticed the thick blood spread across the tips of his fingers. He relaxed his hand and slumped it back to his side, staring at Hayley who looked utterly distraught at his action and was holding her profusely bleeding nose.
"Rowan-" She choked through the tears streaming down her face and the deep red liquid swimming from her nose. Her usual hopeful, kind shiny eyes were losing the spark the longer the two stared at eachother.
'We don't need to talk about my 'Habits'' He said sternly staring at her with daring eyes and he clenched his fist tight.
"Love, the kids need us, please just listen-" Another blow stroke her face, right in the eye. She yelled in agony as she brought one of her blood covered hands to cover up her eye that was throbbing from the pain of the hit.
'I am no love of yours, you are nothing to me as of now.' He said, stepping backwards after speaking.
"Wh..what do you mean,Rowan?.." Her visible eye was full of sorrow and confusion.
'I have found another, far younger. For you are nothing but a hag.' He said, turning away from her.
'Do not dare contact me, I'm leaving. Goodbye, Hayley Scarlett.'
His words struck like a gunshot to Hayley's heart as the cold tears rushed from her eyes more and more aggressively. The door slammed shut. That was it, he had left, he had left Hayley, the kids, all of them. The yelling must have woke up Terence because once Hayley turned to return to her room little Terence was standing in the doorway, the spitting image of his father.
'Mama?..' He said groggily as he wiped his tired eyes, looking up innocently at his mother. Who's eyes were no longer welcoming and warm, yet full of resentment and were piercing to look at. A shadow cast around Terence as his mother walked closer.
"Oh sweety.. you look just like your father" she said, placing a bloody, shaky hand upon his shoulder. Terence tilted his head slightly in confusion, still not fully able to form proper sentences as he was only four years old. Hayley's grip on his shoulder tightened and Terence winced. Before he could even try to tell her it was hurting him she grabbed his thin tan arm and swung him to the floor behind her. He cried when he fell backwards onto the floor and landed in a sitting position. Hayley walked towards the kitchen counter, where they kept the cutting boards and the knife stand which held their sharper knifes. She lifted the largest one and turned to Terence with an insane, shaking smile. She towered over the young boy as he stared up in confusion and fear. She lifted the knife above her head and slammed it into his shoulder. The young boy sobbed as pain shot throughout his nerves and the blood in his veins seemed to run cold. Hayley lifted the knife slowly from his shoulder and continuesly stabbed him anywhere she could, even after the poor young mans breathing had came to a halt after pleading with his mother to stop. She lifted the knife a final time. It slipped from the gash in his stomach sickeningly as she panted, staring at the blood stained body, his words registered in her head ringing loudly in her ears. 'mama- stop please' he wept, barely able to breathe. 'its sore-.. mama...stop' he gasped, blood leaking from the stab wounds his psychopath of a mother had opened in her own son. Her heart thumped in her chest as she pondered how to be rid of the body.

November 2nd, Wednesday 9:30Am

"kids!" Hayley coed, as she set the cups on the table. "Come on down, I made you something" she said cheerfully as she listened to the soft bang of feet on the floor upstairs. Hayley smiled as Avery, Amaya and Oran sat at the table. Though there was still an empty chair.
'Hey mum!' Oran said happily as he looked around 'Wheres little Terry, usually he's already down here' He asked
"Never you worry, here, drink up. I made strawberry milkshakes"
She said, begining to put away the washed blender and the milk into the fridge. They all thanked Hayley as they began to sip the drink. "Oh and before I forget, Amaya, Avery darlings would you mind seeing me upstairs once your finished?" She said, looking over at Avery and Amaya with unusually dead eyes which unfortunately went unnoticed by the two as they nodded in agreement. "Thank you dears" She said, turning and continuing to clean up the aftermath of the smoothies.

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