Chapter Two: The blonde

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November 2nd 1978, Wednesday 10:15am

Oran's POV: Mother made strawberry milkshakes this morning, which is great and all but once I had begun to drink mine I noticed something off about the taste. It didn't taste like strawberries it tasted rotten and unexplainably vile, it was thick and had stringy pieces of what mother swore was strawberry in it that were positively gag worthy. Once me and my younger sisters had finished they had to run upstairs to meet our mother as she requested them to do. When they left I searched the fridge and rubbish for the packet of strawberries but there was.. no strawberries anywhere. I looked into Avery's mostly empty cup where there was a small cluster of the 'Strawberry' stringy bits. They were more visible now and. . . that's not strawberry. Tears flood my eyes as I begin to piece it together. 'Wheres Terry..' I mumble to myself as I stare into the glass full of strings of flesh, veins and nerves.

Nobodys POV

Amaya and Avery made their way upstairs to meet their mother. As they reached the top stair their mother grabbed Avery and Amaya's hands and dragged them to the bathroom. She had gloves on and there was bleach in small black tubs around the room. They were both fairly confused before they each passed out. Amaya was the first to wake up, a stinging sensation spread across her scalp as she felt her hair being rinsed out.
'What is happening?...' she said aggressively as her mother continued to wrap a towel around her hair, doing the same with Avery. Hayley walked towards the bathroom door and turned once she was standing within the frame, staring at Amaya with those same hollow eyes. She smiled sweetly and walked out. Amaya frantically pulled the towel from her head and stared into the mirror. Her beautiful natural brunette hair had been bleached into an off white colour. She stared in disbelief. Avery began to wake up. Amaya's blood began to boil and feel freezing all at the same time as she realized that Hayley had done the same to her sisters previously gorgeous dark brown locks.

Orans POV:

I run into his room. It was completely untouched and everything stayed in the same place as it had the previous night when I had went to say goodnight, including... His bear. The glossy black eyes of the light brown bear stared at me as I lifted it up off his pillow, Terence never went anywhere without his little brown bear. I felt tears forming again as I hugged the teddy tight in my arms, it still smelt exactly like little Terry, my baby brother. 'What happened' I thought to myself as the tears began to spill from my shut eyes. 'Please... Your too young...' I wept. There was a loud frantic knocking on the door and I heard someone crying on the other side. "Oran?? Are you in there?" They said, a high pitched girl voice which was only recognisable as my little sister Amaya. I sprung up and opened the door. 'Kiddo what happened??' I said as calmly as possible as she wrapped her arms around me in a hug right after I had opened the door. I closed the door behind her and put my hand in her hair to comfort her when I noticed the colour, her usual light brown hair was now a similar colour to mine but was slightly less peach and more yellow-ish. She explained what Hayley had done to her and Avery while I held her in my arms. Once she had finished explaining I hummed a soft tune to her to attempt at soothing her heart shattering sobs. After a while she fell asleep and Iayed her down on Terry's bed, I'm sure he wouldn't mind once he came back.. because he is going to. I tucked the bear in beside her and kissed her head, wishing her sweet dreams before turning off the light in the room and walking out into the kitchen.

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