Chapter 12: ¡★Splitting apart★!

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A/n : This chapter is going to be super duper important so I'm sorry if it ends up kinda long :P + sorry for the insanely long time skip😭🙏 there's going to be really long paragraphs in this sorryyy!!💕💕💕

No one's POV:

It's been around a year and a half since the horrid events of that one night and the talk between Evan and Amy and Amy has made a huge dent in healing from what had happened, but unfortunately for Amy she can never seem to catch some calm or simply a break, for a new problem came to light. She began having episodes of which she completely swapped personality and couldn't remember what had happened after the strong personality switch. It confused her and even those around her. Sometimes she could be all cute and kind and childish then the next minute she could be cursing everyone out and threatening people and being disrespectful, they couldn't go to a therapist or a doctor though because it was too risky and they would be positively mortified by Amy's injuries that were not concealable by her illusion disk such as her neck and eye injury. But the changes began to grow more drastic and Amy would become a danger, but not to those around her but more herself.

Amy had a collection of candles on her bookshelf for smell and look purposes but unfortunately she wouldn't be able to keep this collection for much longer.


I sit in my room and light a small vanilla and honey scented candle and flick my radio on, intending to read one of my favourite books at the moment. As I was reaching up to grab it from the shelf my radio began to sound static, I turned to look at it with a frown tugging at my lips.
Awe come on not my favourite radio!!
I think to myself as I walk closer to it to attempt to get a better look at what is making it sound so weird, but the static noise became louder and more irritating the closer I stepped towards it. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. My head began to spin as my vision blurred walls with furniture and colours with other colours, I had the most splitting headache ever. I reached my hand up into my hair and tugged slightly to try and ease the pain somehow or even just to help cope with it. It felt like a fever dream, I was unaware and unable to control anything. My body would move on it's own. I felt as though I was floating and that I was no longer connected to the world yet I could hear all that was happening in the real world. A loud crash of smashing glass and the quiet roar of a small flame, a tingling feeling brushed over the flesh of my hand that sent shivers down the rest of my body. I could only see a blur of colour but I assumed the tingling feeling was heat radiating from whatever flame had just been set ablaze. It intensified by the second and the tingle became a scolding hot hell fire feeling, as if satan was poking my hand with his pitchfork. I winced and held onto my aching hand. I felt a thin, flat sheet in my hand. It had spikes on the edge and was extremely rigged it wasn't something that should be played with. I felt a pain shoot through my arm, then another and another until it was almost unbearable and felt as if I was in the right mind I would have passed out or fainted. Then it stopped and I heard stomping and the whistle of the flame drowned out the pain still relentlessly coarsing through my veins and nerves. I began to feel more conscious in my normal body and the pain seeped out of my nerves as if nothing had happened. I looked around and saw the corners of my room polluted with spiders and the static on my radio was as loud as ever. Whilst I was attempting to stop the room from spinning uncontrollably I felt as if my body was being torn down the middle, as if my organs were being torn apart, muddled and destroyed more than they already were. It hurt so bad, it hurt like nothing ever before. I felt like passing out every second it went on, I felt like I was being melted, broken, torn, ripped but also frozen, fixed, sewed and glued back together at the same time. I honestly believed for a moment I had finally found a chair in hell. I finally passed out after 10 minutes of the agonising hell spawn of raw pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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