Greatest out of the greatest

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„It's your turn, k."
„Aah, shut up, Lara"
Kalila had to stand at the door, saying goodbyes to each visitor by name, so they feel special.
It's hard to memorise all the faces, the names, especially foreign ones.
But she got a trick, she says „Goodbye honey, hope to see you again" to each and everyone.
Replacing your name with honey might make you feel special, but not if done to everyone, but they don't mind it, to be looked at by her is enough to make everyone feel special.

She goes out on a walk, wearing a black shirt over her dress. It's risky for a woman to walk like this, but not if you're known by all the shopowners of your small town. Not if you're holding a gun.

„Don't worry, no one is going to try to rape you or insult you, if they desire to, they'll just visit the house"
„Oh, can you for once in your life just shut your mouth" Kalila seems angry, she hates lies, she hates when people look down at her for what she likes doing. People don't shame men for practicing a sport they like, a show up of their muscles, it's not about the nature of the sport, it's about the nature of the observers.
„You know I like teasing you, how are you?"
It's Iliah, they kinda know eachother.
„You know how much i hate it"
„I know honey"
„Say one more thing and I'll cry"
Iliah gets closer, he looks at her face:" you gotta clean up the mess under your eyes"
„The bitches in the house didn't even tell me about it, i bet i looked like a psychopath walking down the street with a gun"
„how is work?" Kalila asks.
„I hate it, I just wanna close this shop, travel the world and die right after"
„Then do it, selling fragrances for the rest of your life won't make you happy" , now she's cleaning under her eyes.
„I don't know" Iliah is the kind of person to dream,  to go through life with hundreds of plans but stick to the one made by someone else.
„You know what I want, I want to move away, to a place where i only smell jasmine, to only dance to audience that would see me as a woman in control of her life and not as someone controlled by the money and poor circumstances"
Iliah touches her hair, he wants to tell her many things, but he only manages to say something that creates an awkward silence
„Then dance for me"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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