11. Seperation (pt.2)

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Tae-hee, a bundle of energy and joy at four years old, filled Y/N's life with boundless love and laughter. Her sweet voice calling out "mumma" echoed through the halls, a constant reminder of the precious bond they shared.

Yet, despite her tender age, Tae-hee bore a striking resemblance to her father, Taehyung. From her sensitivity to changing weather to her battles with fever, she mirrored his traits in every way. Y/N couldn't help but marvel at the echoes of Taehyung she saw in their daughter, a gentle reminder of the love they had once shared.

As Tae-hee celebrated her fourth birthday, Y/N made the courageous decision to share the truth about her father and their past with her. Together, they looked at the picture of Taehyung displayed proudly in their home, a symbol of the love that had once blossomed between them.

Y/N believed in honesty and transparency, knowing that shielding Tae-hee from the reality of her father's absence would only lead to confusion and uncertainty. Despite the pain of their failed marriage, she wanted Tae-hee to know that Taehyung was a great man, and that their separation was a shared burden they both carried.

In the quiet moments of reflection, Y/N found solace in the love she shared with Tae-hee, a love that transcended the pain of the past. Together, they embraced the complexities of their family history, finding strength and resilience in the bonds that held them together.

Tae-hee and Y/N stood side by side in front of the mirror, their reflection mirroring the symmetry of their matching outfits—a white shirt paired with blue pants, their hair cascading in loose waves around their shoulders, and identical sneakers adorning their feet.

As they admired their reflection, Tae-hee's eyes sparkled with curiosity, her gaze drawn to the delicate bracelet adorning her mother's wrist. With a playful pout, she crossed her arms and turned to Y/N.

"Mumma, I want a bracelet too," she declared, her voice a delightful blend of innocence and determination.

Y/N couldn't help but smile at her daughter's adorable request, her heart swelling with love for the little girl who mirrored her in so many ways. Kneeling down beside Tae-hee, she gently brushed a strand of hair from her face.

"You want a bracelet like Mumma's?" Y/N asked, her voice tender with affection.

Tae-hee nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with anticipation. "Yes, Mumma! Just like yours," she exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

Unable to resist her daughter's sweet plea, Y/N reached into her jewelry box and retrieved a small bracelet adorned with delicate charms. With a smile, she fastened it around Tae-hee's wrist, the tinkling of the charms filling the air with music.

"There you go, my darling," Y/N whispered, her voice soft with love. "Now we both have matching bracelets."

As Tae-hee admired her new accessory, a radiant smile lit up her face, her joy infectious and pure. And in that simple moment of shared connection, mother and daughter basked in the warmth of their bond, their hearts entwined in a love that knew no bounds.

As Y/N and Tae-hee strolled hand in hand towards the ice cream parlor, their laughter mingled with the gentle breeze, creating an atmosphere of joy and warmth. Tae-hee's eyes sparkled with excitement, her anticipation growing with each step closer to their destination.

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