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ɪ ᴅɪᴅɴ'ᴛ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʜᴏᴡ long we were driving past the alley—not until I could feel my hands starting to get numb from holding the steering wheel. My butt and my back hurt from sitting for hours. It was past midnight already, and I'm starting to feel the heaviness of my eyes. I'm sleepy and tired as fuck. I turned to look at Lou, who was peacefully watching every car, store lights, people, and trees we would pass by. Earlier today, I have imagined how my life would crumble into pieces once Claude started to take action against me, but I never thought of having someone by my side to deal with it. Especially someone who has nothing to do with all this bullshit in the first place.

The photographers got a shot of her, and I'm certain my ex would do something about it. Use Lou like he did to me, and I couldn't shake off the sense of responsibility for whatever that man would do to her.

The wind was never any colder than it was when we left Rome. The night stretched on endlessly, the darkness enveloping us like a heavy blanket. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as we drove through the empty streets, the only sound being the hum of the engine and the occasional whisper of the wind. I stole glances at Lou from time to time, her profile illuminated by the soft glow of the dashboard lights. Despite the turmoil swirling around us, she seemed oddly serene, her eyes still fixed on the world outside as if lost in thought.

Suddenly, a beacon of light pierced through the darkness ahead—a gasoline station, its neon sign flickering invitingly in the night. Relief flooded through me as I realized that we could finally take a much-needed break, restock on supplies, and maybe even grab a hot cup of coffee to ward off the chill.

"Lou, look," I said, my voice breaking the silence that had settled between us. "There's a gasoline station up ahead. We should stop and take a break."

She turned to me, her expression mirroring my own fatigue. "Thank God," she said, her voice tinged with relief. "I could really use a break."

I pulled into the station, the soft glow of the overhead lights casting long shadows across the pavement. There was a small convenience store that stood out at the gasoline station, but it was enough for us to buy some necessities. Lou told me she'd be taking the comfort room while I navigated through the stocks inside the shop. I got myself a basket before proceeding towards the beverage station, grabbing a few bottles of water. Then my feet brought me to the noodle section. I ran into a few brands before deciding to get a Korean cup noodle. Four of these will do. I was just about to check the snack section when I heard a familiar voice from behind. It startled me that I almost dropped the basket off.

"What the fuck?! Are you planning to kill me?" I demanded. Lou gave up a chuckle and gave me her narrowed look that I've come to expect from now on. She's been making that signature expression since I met her.

"I didn't know photographers could easily get startled." She smirked as she stretched her hand out, leaning forward against me. My eyes widened in surprise at her sudden movement, and I couldn't get myself to back off. The space was too little that I could feel her breath against my cheek. It was warm and mint mixing that I felt chills tinge my spine. She's never been this close to me. And then I realized, standing this close beside her, that the woman was a bit taller than me. Before I could even dare to say something, she was now standing a decent distance from me, enough to calm my nerves down. In her hand was a pack of cookies. What the fuck was that?

𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐬  | Lou x DebbieWhere stories live. Discover now