Welcome to the Hotel

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"Ugh! This has to be the worst day of my life!!" You come home to your apartment to crash onto your bed crying. "How could he do this to me, why did he cheat on me with that bitch?!" After filling your pillows with snot and tears, you turn on the TV to try and distract yourself. While changing through the different channels. You thought to yourself.. I don't belong down here, why was I even sent to Hell in the first place?... I just wish I was up there with my father...

⚡︎"Good morning fellow hell spawn! Are you looking for a way to redeem yourself to be a better being? Come down to the Hazbin Hotel to be rehabilitated into an angel of heaven!!"⚡︎
You were surprised at how on time that was. But a way to get into heaven sounded amazing, you could finally go to heaven to meet your father. Without hesitation you packed your bags and ran your way to the hotel.

While walking down the street to the hotel you couldn't help but smile at the thought of meeting your dad after all these years.
You were so startled at the sudden sound of someone screaming. After thinking it over you were already used to people screaming all of the time, it is Hell after all. But this time it was super close, maybe there's a murder around. You didn't plan on sticking around so you rushed to the hotel.

You stopped by at a nearby store to get something to eat on the way there. After lingering around the store you hear the sound of the shop door opening along with snake like hissing. You head to refrigerator section to get a sandwich, before you could reach out to grab your food another had reaches over you. "Excusssse me.. " you look up to see a tall snake man looking down at you. He flips his frills up to intimidate you, and it worked. "Ahh! I-I'm so sorry!" You ran out of his way and decided to ditch getting something to eat. "O-okay I'll head straight to the hotel, no more stops." You said to yourself while making your way to the hotel.

After an hour of walking, you finally made it to the hotel gate. "Alright this is the place!" You ran up the hill and got ready to knock on the door. But someone reaches over you to knock on the door. You look up to see the same snake guy you saw at the store. Oh sweet Lucifer why is he here?! Is he following me? Does he want something from me? WHAT DO I DO?!
A woman with long white white hair opens the door, she looks at you then the snake man. "Why hello my dear!" Replied the snake man while holding his hat. The woman hops over you to punch him. You squeaked and ran out of the way to hide behind your suit case. Oh my god are they gonna do that to me?! Is this how I how I get into heaven? It's a little violent, but what ever it takes to see my dad again..

"WAIT WAIT WAIT!! I COME IN PEACE!!" Screamed the snake man while slithering away from the woman's spear. Another woman comes out of the hotel along with a tall spider man. You were so confused and scared at the same time, you peaked out from behind your suit case to see what's happening. "Hey look, Sir Pentious brought a friend." Said the spider man while pointing at you. I'm not his friend! Wait, his name is Sir Pentious? That name sounds familiar.

"Eeeee!! A new participant!" The blonde woman runs towards you and shakes your hand. "Hello I'm Charlie Morningstar I'm sure you've heard of me I'm the princess of hell daughter of Lucifer welcome to the Hazbin Hotel were demons come to be rehabilitated so they can go to heaven- WAIT!" Charlie stops to look at Sir Pentious. "What are you doing here? " "Oh umm.. I didn't come looking for a fight. I heard you were helping people.. people who.. want to be better." Charlie smiles in excitement. "Oh wonderful two participants, we'll get you both started with your rehabilitation and-" before Charlie could finish, the white haired women steps in front of her. "Charlie why are you letting him in, he was just trying to kill us six hours ago." Charlie looks down at you. "Oh umm how about you take a seat in the lobby while we talk ok?" You nodded, grabbed your suit case, and made your way into the lobby.


Hiss Hiss~ {Sir Pentious x reader}Where stories live. Discover now