Let's get to know each Other

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You walk into the lobby to look for a place to sit. "Woah this place is huge!" You replied while walking to the lobby couch. You sit down, a small one eyed girl rushes over to you while chasing a bug on the floor. You quickly lift your bags out of her way, "Oh um.. Excuse me.." You look down at her. "What are you doing?" The girl turns around to look at you, "I'm killing these bugs!" Her child-like voice glows with excitement as she stabs the bug violently. You were a little shocked by this sight.

"Alright who's ready to be redeemed!!" Charlie rushes to you with Sir Pentious tagging along behind her. "Oh I'm so excited Ms. Morningstar!" You shake her hand, she giggles. "Please, just call me Charlie! Now, let me show you two around!" She claps her hands and two adorable goat boys fly into the room, one takes your bags as the other gives you a room key. "Ok so, this is the lobby! And over here is the bar!" Charlie rushes over to the bar with you and Sir Pentious tagging along behind her. "This is our lovely bartender Husk!" You wave at Husk, he rolls his eyes and downs a bottle of beer.

"And over here is the-" Charlie bumps into a tall man in a red suit. "Oh hello! And this is Alastor, our hotel manager!" Your heart sank. "Like.. The Radio Demon...?" Alastor looks down at you with a big toothy smile. "Oh Charlie who's this? A fresh face to the place." His voice sent shivers down your spine. "Oh! This is.. What's your name dear?" "Uhh.. It's [Y/N].." Charlie smiles. "Well that's [Y/N], and I'm sure you're familiar with Sir Pentious." You felt an odd tension between the two men, you turned your head to look up at Sir Pentious. "Oh yes! You're the one who ruined my coat!.. I definitely remember you now.."

You stepped back to avoid any arguments. As you look around you see that same spider man sitting on the lobby couch. "So what's your name? You seem quite familiar." You sit next to him to start a conversation with him. "I'm Angel Dust darlin', I'm Hell's famous pornstar.." His voice was a little slow and quiet, he seemed very tired at this moment. "O-oh, I've.. I've definitely heard of you.." You were a little embarrassed to admit that you watched porn, it also didn't help that you were face to face with the same actor you got off to.

Charlie walks over to you. "You don't mind if you could sit there for me?" She points at the floor. "We're gonna play a "get to know me" game with everyone!" You sit down on your knees patiently waiting for everyone to gather around. Sir Pentious slithers over and sits next to you. "Umm.. So [Y/N].. How are you today...?" You look up at him. "Oh I'm doing great!" He smiles slightly with his fangs poking out.

"Alright everyone! We're gonna be playing a game where everyone will be getting to know one another! I'll start." She claps her hands "♪My name is Charlie, I like to sing!♪" she claps again. "♪And when we get to know each other it's the greatest thing!♪" she looks over at you "Oh uhh.. ♪My name is [Y/N], I uhh.. I love to draw♪" you clap. "♪but some say I'm... Cute as a doll?♪" you shrug while clapping again. Charlie smiles while every else shrugs with you. You look over at Sir Pentious waiting for his part. "♪My name's Sir Pentious, I like to build♪" he claps "♪And despite my stupid egg bois I think I'm very skilled!♪"
He claps again. You smile, it's kinda silly seeing this tall creepy snake guy singing about how he likes to build stuff. You, Charlie and Sir Pentious look over at Angel Dust. He simply looks up from his phone. ".. This is stupid.." He was irritated at the fact that Sir Pentious was there while also not feeling to good sense he was sober. Charlie smiles nervously while trying to get Angel to join in with everyone else. The white haired girl replies to Angel. "Well get used to it and learn how to play, ♪cuz this is gonna be the whole day.♪" she then claps.

You look over at the white haired girl, "I never got to know your name, what is it?" You ask softly. She looks over at you with a calming look in her face. "I'm Vaggie." Charlie giggles, "She's my girlfriend." She walks over to Vaggie and gives her a big hug. You smile at them. "So what are we doing next Charlie?" "Hmm, oh we could do a no drug PSA! Angel, Sir Pentious, could you go into that closet and get the two costumes that are in there and put them on?" Angel sighs and gets up, Sir Pentious follows after him. You look over at the bar. Maybe I could go for a drink. You get up from the floor and made your way to the bar.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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