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On a rainy night, Krithika drove as fast as she could, eager to get home before it got too dark. The air felt heavy and eerie, and she couldn't shake the feeling of being followed, even though she couldn't see anyone around. She was overcome with fear, her body trembling. Suddenly, her tyre burst, and her car skidded off the road. Desperately, she checked for a spare tyre, but there was none. She walked along the empty road, hoping for help, but no vehicles passed by. After a 5-minute walk, she spotted a house with lights, a ray of hope in the darkness. She went there seeking assistance.

The tragedy unfolded the next day when Krithika was found dead near the forest. Her body was naked, showing signs of torture. The authorities couldn't find any evidence pointing to the culprit, but they believed only a psychopath could commit such a heinous act.

The tragedy became a common topic among the people living nearby. Frightened by the rumours surrounding the road, they started avoiding it altogether. The road through the forest earned a chilling nickname: "Death Road."

After a few months, In the bustling world of Samantha who works hard as a software engineer in a busy office. She's surrounded by her friends: Arjun, Naresh, Ram, and Shruthi. Arjun likes Samantha secretly but hasn't told her yet because he's scared. Whenever he tries, Samantha changes the subject. Shruthi is Samantha's best friend. Arjun and Naresh often hang out together, while Ram enjoys being alone.

Arjun came up with an exciting idea for everyone to go on a tour during their vacation time. Everyone liked the idea as they all wanted a break from their busy office schedules. They took their time choosing the perfect destination for relaxation and finally settled on one. However, there was a catch to it - they had to pass through the notorious Death Road to reach it.

Shruthi was worried about the dangerous road and suggested changing the destination. She was afraid of going through it. But the rest of the group wanted the thrill of the journey and assured her it would be safe. And Ram persuades everyone by asserting, "Only one out of 100 people is dying on that road, and there have been no deaths for several months. I think all those massacres were done. So no death, no problem; it's easy peasy."

Eventually, Arjun convinced everyone to go on the tour. However, Samantha had a condition. She doubted her parents would allow her to go unless she brought her neighbour along, as they felt safer when she was with him. Arjun was annoyed by this request but didn't show it because he was determined to make the tour happen. After some discussion, everyone agreed to Samantha's request.

After finishing her daily work, Samantha went to visit her friendly neighbour, Mahesh. She greeted his mother, Pallavi, whom she knew well since they were neighbours. Pallavi had recently lost one of her children and was dealing with depression, as neither she nor her family had been able to attend the cremation. Samantha visited Pallavi almost every day to offer comfort.

During their conversation, Samantha explained that she wanted Mahesh to accompany her on the tour and sought permission from Pallavi. Pallavi expressed gratitude for Samantha's friendship with Mahesh, as he had been distant from others lately. She told her, "That's something only you can do. convince him and take him. I'd be more than happy."

Samantha then went to Mahesh's lonely room, where he spent most of his time lying on his bed and looking at his phone without socializing. She spent hours conversing with him, sharing gossip and laughs. Additionally, she told him about the tour and she convinced him to join her, adding a condition: he had to groom his hair and beard, which didn't suit him. Samantha took him to the salon and transformed him into the handsome man she knew. Following their time spent outdoors, Samantha asked Mahesh to pick her up at her house for the tour, to which he agreed.

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