Emotions 😔😞

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Payu goes home he was still completely blank

He goes straight into living room and stands in front of a huge portrait hung on the wall which was his and Fah's picture

He stands in front of it just stares at the picture for a minute

Then without even realising tears starts flowing from his eyes

Payu : Why did you leave me Fah...???
Why did you make me all alone in this world...???

I am so lonely without you...

Fah today I broke a innocent guy's heart
I am sorry Fah... if you were alive you would definitely hate me for this

In front of the world I seem so strong but here in front of you I am so weak Fah

I know I made a big mistake by agreeing for that bet

And I had so many chance to withdraw that bet but I didn't because I wanted to show my strength in front of all
I wanted to show that I am not weak
I wanted to show I am always strong

I know I did very big mistake by making the innocent guy cry but I didn't know that he will be falling for me in a serious way

At first I thought Rain was like everyone else who drools over me but later being with him for sometime I realised that he is really a innocent guy

I know that day he really wanted me to kiss him but I took a step back
I didn't want to give him any hopes

I cannot tell all these in front of my friends because I know I don't have any good friends

Why did you leave me Fah...???
Why did you make me all alone in this life...??? I don't have anyone to share my feelings

The emptiness without you kills me Fah
When you decided to take poison why didn't you think of me once...???

You're my twin and my other half...
Why you didn't tell me anything which you were going through???

Everyone thinks that I did that bet for a bike
But damn do you think I want that crazy bike when mom and dad gives all the luxuries to me

I only did that bet to satisfy myself because each time I come home and sit alone I am scared that I will show my weakness to the world

You took all my strength with you Fah...
I am all alone here...

Who will console me...???
Since the day you left me till now I have nightmares everyday Fah and your not next to me to calm me down and console me

You're not next to me to hug me and say everything will be fine...

Those nightmares make me scared...!!!
They tells me I am all alone

I miss you so much Fah....

Payu falls on his knees in front of the portrait crying like a mess

I want to tell sorry to Rain
But do I even have that right after hurting that innocent guy so badly
Am I worth for his forgiveness...???

Fah I didn't know he was a orphan

Why did I hurt that innocent guy so much...???

I know I made a huge mistake but when I go out of this home and go in front of others I am scared that my weakness will overcome me so I do all these shitty things

When I was with Rain I did feel good...
He did make me happy...
But I didn't get any feelings for him...

Might be my feelings are lost in my life after you left me

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