Why is Payu unreadable ???

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Payu met with an accident...!!!

He was soon taken to hospital

Jin and Nick get so shocked by the news and goes there as soon as possible

Payu's parents were out of the country due to business reasons so they didn't get the news in time as Payu doesn't allow anyone to tell anything about him to his parents before his consent

Thankfully Payu was alright
His face had some scratches (thankfully he was wearing helmet)
His right leg had a minor fracture
Rest all over his body had scratches here and there

Doctor comes out

Doctor : Who is Payu's family here...???

Jin : Doctor his parents are out of station
We are his friends
Please tell us how is Payu ???

Doctor : He is fine just has a minor fracture in his right leg rest everything is fine
You can go see the patient now

Jin and Vicky runs inside to see Payu

Payu was laying on the bed and soon as he saw Jin he gives a small smile

Jin : Omg...!!! Payu how are you feeling...???

Payu : The bet we did for a super bike made me to get into this situation
I was on the way to your home to give it back to you but met with an accident

Jin : But why you wanted to give it back to me...???

Payu : I seriously didn't want that bike Jin...
You told hundred times to withdraw the bet and I still didn't care about your words and see now the same bike made me sleep here

Jin : Please don't speak like that Payu
I will never blame you for that

Vicky and Jin stays there for sometime and goes out as Payu falls asleep

The news of Payu meeting a accident was spread in college group chats and Micheal sees it

Rain is not active in any group chats so he doesn't know anything about it

Michael quickly calls Rain

Rain : What Michael tell me I am at work...

Michael : Rain did you see the group chat..???
Phi Payu met with an accident

Listening to this Rain's hands starts shaking

Rain : What did you say...???

Michael : Yes he met with an accident
Some says he is admitted in
"Victoria Hospital"

Rain quickly disconnects the call and rushes to hospital

He doesn't know what happens to him but his hands and legs were shivering

His eyes were filled with tears
His heart was thumping crazily and he was feeling so afraid

Soon as he goes to hospital he searches everywhere and finally spots Jin and Vicky sitting in the corridor

He runs to them

Rain : How is Phi Payu...
Where is he...???
What happened to him...???

Vicky : Oh why the hell have you come here...???
You must have cursed Payu so much right so he is in this condition now

Jin : Vicky will you fucking stop it...???

Jin sees Rain

Jin : Rain...
Payu is alright...
He is having minor fracture on his right leg

He is in this room if you want to see him please go inside

Rain : Thanks phi...

Rain rushes inside the room

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