Day -6

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Objectively speaking, it was bold of everyone to accuse Park Sunghoon for all these misdeeds when absolutely no one has ever seen him, how he looked like, in this school.

Funnily, teachers, staff members and the headmistress would throw some white drapery over his silhouette to identify his presence when most needed. That is to say, when he is convocated in their offices, and which happened quite oft. Thus, he became the stereotypical, stupid image mortals gave to a 'ghost'.

Sunoo finds himself wondering if infamous ghost Park Sunghoon would be rather draped in a red or pink textile for Valentine's Day.

"- He would look awesome in a red curtain..." Sunoo says to himself, feeling as though he has already seen Park Sunghoon once, and blushing about his dream of being the first and only one in school to see him.

If you dress in red, as minimal as the red piece of clothing or accessory would be, it means you are in love. That, at least, was the rule of Valentine's Day in their school. If you wore pink, however, it meant that you had a crush on someone. That was a code recently added by some popular people in their school a few years ago, and it was adopted in the following valentine's days because students found it amusing and exciting.

Sunoo throws the door of his wardrobe open, determined to find a piece of garment pretty enough to catch his crush's attention during the Day of Love.

"- Am I in love...?" He asks himself in a hushed voice. He quickly checks out the red clothes, which he had meticulously organized on the right side. It took three days to do so. "- Or is it just a crush..." He squints his eyes and looks at the left side, which only held pink garments.

"- Oh. My. My!"

Just like a thief, or perhaps more like a kidnapper, Lee Heeseung throws Sunoo's room's door open and barges in. He also throws some dramatic 'my, my, my!' that Sunoo does not care two hoots about.

"- And they call you a gentleman." Sunoo grumbles as a greeting.

"- Sunoo, hello." Heeseung, the annoying vampire that never seems to get weary of Sunoo (no, not in the good sense), greets back with the loveliest voice he could master.

Anyone would be fooled by how soft and sweet it sounds, yet when Sunoo glances at him, he immediately rolls his eyes when he sees his dumb face.

"- What do you want?" He sighs and begins rummaging through his pink clothes. He cannot be in love with Park Sunghoon; it was too early.

He grabs a pretty, bubblegum pink jumper and unfolds it in front of himself. It would match his pastel pink hair; he had dyed it purposefully for Valentine's Day, and it was the very first time he tried a color other than black or brown. He did not care that much the previous Valentine's. He hopes Park Sunghoon likes it. They have not met yet, tonight, and Sunoo bites on his lower lip softly, thinking of his reaction and getting as nervous as impatient.

Sunoo hears the hiss of his tomb's door being opened and heaves a sigh deeper than any well ever known to this universe. He turns around and finds Lee Heeseung, crouched ridiculously, peering inside the tomb.

"- Don't even think about-" The vampire jumps inside the tomb and the door falls on his silhouette after it disappears into darkness.

"- It's so cramped inside." His muffled voice echoes.

"- It's the nth time we're having this conversation, Lee." Sunoo huffs. "- Yes, I feel absolutely comfortable sleeping inside." He walks away from his wardrobe and stands before his bed.

"- The vampires' ones are HUGE!" Heeseung exclaims. "- Like my di-"

Sunoo sits atop the tomb and crosses one leg over the other. The motion luckily shuts the stupid vampire up, and Sunoo allows himself a moment of triumph paired with a satisfied smile. He has always wanted to do it, in fact, and it felt much better than he expected.

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