Sleepover Secrets

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My phone begins to buzz, as the timer sounds out around Leah's bedroom. It's the end of an hour, and I've surprisingly filled in almost all the pages in this science exam. I'm not sure if I've got the answers entirely correct, but I've managed to at least write something. Leah, and I start to compare out answers - it's mostly her helping me with points I've missed out - but she even takes a point that I wrote down, and notes it on her own exam as something she's forgotten.

"Well done Georgy. You're definitely getting somewhere," Leah says, "now will you tell me why you're staying at my house for the night?"
"I could," I start, "or we could talk about the national team camp that's happening in a months time."
"How do you know about the national team camp that's happening in a months time?" she questions, but I know she's knows the answer.
"Maybe, I'm going to the camp," I tell her.
She lets out a little shriek. "Yay! Camp buddies."
"Is it your first call up for under 17s?" I ask her.
She shakes her head. "No. But, don't worry. Everyone's really nice, and I'll introduce you to them all. They'll love you. You're probably not the only new girl either."
"Once exams are over, and we can stop studying, we could work on our football skills together instead," I suggest.
"Sounds like a plan."

At this moment, her mum walks in. "Oh hello Georgia. I didn't know you were here already."
"She's been here for an hour Mum," Leah replies.
"And you didn't tell me. I would have brought you guys up some study snacks," Amanda says, before turning to face me, "I hear you're staying the night?"
"Yeah, if that's alright," I tell her.
"Of course it's alright," she responds, "now what should we have for dinner?"
She says the last part out loud, but she walks out of the room as she says it. Mums are funny like that sometimes.

Leah, and I are quiet for a moment. I look up at her to see that she's already looking up at me.
"Georgia?" she whispers.
"Yeah," I reply, equally as quiet as her.
She takes a breath, "what are we to each other?"
"I don't know. What do you want to be?"
"I would quite like it if you were my girlfriend," she admits.
I smile at this. "Okay then, Leah Williamson, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Hey, I wanted to ask you!" she protests, but she's smiling.
"Well, too bad. I beat you to it," I grin back, "it is a yes, right?"
"Of course it's a yes," she playfully rolls her eyes.
"Just checking," I smile.

Then things get slightly more serious. "We're not going to tell anyone, are we?"
"Not at the moment," I nod, "I don't think either of us are ready for that."
"Yeah," she sighs a breath of relief.
Then I have a thought. "If it comes up, can I tell Olivia?"
"Olivia?" she questions.
"Oh, one of my friends at school. The shorter one," I explain.
Leah thinks for a moment, obviously trying to remember my friends. "The one with the brown hair that likes to wear headbands?"
I smile, "yeah, that's her."
"Why would you want to tell her?" Leah asks.
"Because I think she already suspects," I respond. Leah looks like she's about to throw up.
"She just noticed I was texting you a lot," I reply, "obviously I won't say a thing if you don't want me to."
She considers it for a moment. "No, it's okay. If it comes up, you can tell her. But, only if you trust she won't tell anyone else."

She makes a good point. I don't know if I can trust Olivia not to tell anyone. Especially because she'll think Hannah deserves to know. Honestly, I would agree with her on that as well. Olivia, Hannah, and I can keep our own secrets to ourselves, but we don't keep secrets within our group. I should be able to trust them not to tell anyone else, but I also have no clue how they'll react. I think Olivia would be okay with it, but I don't know if Hannah would.

It's not really something that's widely accepted. It's no longer a crime to be gay in the UK, but same sex marriage hasn't been legalised yet. I know this, because it's been in the news lately. I sorta can't believe how it's 2013 and it's still illegal, but then I found out the first country to legalise it - The Netherlands- only did so in 2000. That happened in my life time (yeah I know I would have been like two years old, but still). This history is too recent for my liking.

I'm deep in thought, when Leah shakes my shoulder.
"Mum just called for tea," she says softly, as if she may have hit a nerve with her last statement.
I smile back at her to assure her all is well. "I wonder what she's made?"
"Guess we'll have to find out," she replies, and then we both realise at the same time how close we are to each other. Her hand on my shoulder, but her face slightly above mine, as she's crouched down beside me. If I was to look up slightly, I'd meet her eyes. So I do. We both know what we intend on doing next.

"Girls!" Amanda calls once again, and this time I actually hear it. Unfortunately.
"We'd better head downstairs," Leah says, while standing up. Before I know it my face is forms into a pout. Leah smirks at this. "Don't worry Georgy. There'll always be time for kissing later."
I unnecessarily blush at this, and hope with my whole heart that my cheeks return to a normal colour, as Leah and I walk down the stairs to her dining room.

The first thing I notice is that Leah's mum isn't the only person in the room. There's a boy, looks to be slightly older than Ben, who sticks his hand up and waves at me.
"Hi, you must be Georgia," he grins.
"Hello, I am Georgia, and you are?"
"I'm Jacob," he says cheerfully before turning towards Leah with a glare, "did you not tell her about me? Your favourite brother."
"My only brother," is all Leah says in reply, while walking past him and ruffling his hair. Jacob tries to look angry at his older sister, but doesn't manage it for long.

Dinner goes by smoothly. I realise how little I actually know about Leah. For example, she has a brother. I wonder why he didn't come around to our house the other day? Ben would have loved having someone to play with.

Leah is actually rather talkative throughout the meal, but mostly just random things to try and fill the silence. I don't think it's because she minds the silence - it's certainly not awkward - I think it's because she's afraid of what her family will say if she doesn't keep talking. I understand that feeling. I was terrified of what my mum was going to say when Leah was at my house. When we're finally walking back up the stairs to her room, I can feel her energy relax a little bit. Then I have a thought. I'm her girlfriend, and obviously her mum doesn't know that. I'd be ten times more terrified bringing Leah around to my house than I was before, not because of what my mum would say, but because I'd be afraid my mum would somehow figure out that Leah and I are together. 

"Georgia," she suddenly says very seriously as we walk into her room. I'm worried for a minute. "Are you seriously wearing Chelsea socks in my house?"
I grin at this, glad that there's nothing actually wrong. "Yep."
"I can't believe you. Wearing blue socks? In my house?" she tuts.
"Do you want a pair?" I pretend to ask her seriously, but only get halfway through, as she moves to put her hand over my mouth.
"No I most certainly do not want a pair of Chelsea socks. You couldn't pay me to wear those. Ever." 
I try to reply, but she still has her hand over my mouth, so she can't understand what I'm saying.
"What's that?" she asks. I move her hand away from my mouth and take it in mine. She looks into my eyes and the both of us suddenly forget about the conversation we've been having.

She steps forward to kiss me, and I let her. She drags me down onto her bed, and she kisses me again. I know she wants to know why I've ended up at her house, but that can wait until tomorrow. At the moment, as I lean into Leah and she wraps her arms around me, all I want to do is get to know more about her.

"So what happened-"
"Not now," I say, and I lean in to kiss her again. "I still don't really know that much about you Leah. Like how did I not know about Jacob? Can we just talk about us and not my parents issues?"
"Okay," she agrees, "as long as you never kiss me, and then say my brother's name in the next sentence you say, ever again."
"It wasn't the next sentence," I protest.
"Georgia." She's trying incredibly hard to be serious, but there's a smile in her eyes.
"Okay," I say, "now what do I want to know about Leah Williamson?"
"I don't know," she replies, "you already know more about me than a lot of people do."
"I didn't know you had a brother." 
"Can we stop talking about my brother?" she exclaims. 
"Okay," I smirk, and go to kiss her again. 

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