Chapter 1 surprise

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I went to the police station to interrogate Riddler to get information from him. I walked up to the interrogation room and walked in and saw Riddler sitting at the table with handcuffs around his wrists and a smirk on his face. I walked up to the table and slammed my hands on the table and yelled "what are you planning, Riddler?" Riddler kissed me and said I love you. I started blushing and said I don't love you. You don't mean anything to me. Riddler gasped and said wow, really? With a smirk on his face. To be honest he seems sad. I said what do you want? Riddler said well I want her to be safe. I got confused and said what? Riddler wrote something on the desk with a blue pen. They were coordinates he said go here Harley Quinn is there waiting for you go alone and if you don't I promise you, you won't see Harley.

I went to the location and it was Riddler's base. I walked inside and saw wooden crates everywhere. I was confused, why would he send me here? I walked around and saw Harley. I walked up to her and said Harley. I scared her and poison ivy attacked me with her powers. I was against the wall when Harley said what are you doing here? I said Riddler told me to come here. Harley said okay. Ivy let me go and Harley pressed a red button on the wall and the wall opened and I walked through the opening and saw the room was dark.

I saw a white crib. There were 2 fabric cloths coming from the ceiling and tied to the crib. The cloth on the right was green and the one on the left was purple. The crib was sitting on a rug. The rug was round and furry, it was white. I walked up to the crib and I saw a baby girl lying down awake. She was wearing a green hat, white jammies and a purple blanket. She had light blue eyes like mine. I saw that there was a green envelope. With the words to the Batman written on it.

I opened the envelope and it read hey Batman I want you to take her and keep Sasha safe. Give her a normal life. Love her. I know you're the father. She has your eyes. Her fathers eyes. I have never seen your eyes before but I feel like she's yours. Well I mean you were my first love. I love you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Love Riddler. I finished reading the card and I dropped it in shock and Sasha started crying. I picked her up and she grabbed my finger and giggled. I smiled for the first time in a long time.

I walked out of the warehouse and called the batmobile to me and put the baby in Damian's backpack that he left in the car and put the bag down in the passenger seat and drove home. I arrived in the batcave and I held the bag very tight and went upstairs and went to my room and locked the door and sat down on the bed and took the baby out of the bag and held her in my arms. I noticed she has light brown hair. Sasha started crying loudly and the whole house heard it. Damian walked in the room and I quickly hid Sasha behind my back and put my thumb in her mouth. She stopped crying and Damian took his bag and saw a little green hat in his bag and pulled it out and said what is this? I said a hat.

Sasha started crying again and Damian looked behind my back and said who is that? I stopped hiding Sasha and gave her to Damian and said she's my daughter. I didn't know I had one till 4 hours ago. Sasha started crying again Damian gave her back to me. Sasha said Bat. I smiled and hugged her. Sasha grabbed my finger and giggled.

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