Part 3: Friendly invasive surgery

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Simara, much to the dismay of Alkia, only removed most of the liquid she conjured earlier. "If this stains anything I drop you into the nearest volcano." was the last thing she heard before she sunk into her lake sized pool, taking Alder with her. It was a domain inside a domain, somewhat resembling a surgery room. Alkia would have to actually follow to hear them inside. Various medical tools and instruments lined the walls which caused Adler's eyes to widen in awe.

It was just like home to him. Simsara laughed as he stood there. He looked like a kid in a candy store, a candy store with grim treats. "Dear, you're drooling." His hand rushed to wipe his mouth and he looked down at the ground. "Oh come now, I think we're past all the shyness and besides-" she sunk down into the floor, just to the level where her lower abdomen was exposed. She used her hair to hand him a scalpel. It was made of the same liquid as the floor and ended in an orange glass tip. "You said you wanted to know more. Sate those curiosities." She expressed gleefully.

Adler gulped as a flood of memories rushed back to him. He remembered helping his dad who had been fascinated with anatomy. He remembered the blood, the dissecting, the injured animal he'd helped get better. He had learned so much and in time those fascinations rubbed off on him. In front of him was something alien. Something that withheld secrets defied the logic of everything he knew and didn't know, and that bothered him.

His expression changed slightly as he walked forward and put the blade above her navel. His mind wanted to second guess but his heart his passion. With precision surpassed any surgeon he made a barely noticeable incision upwards. There was no resistance or even blood, her skin parting like hot butter. He stopped after a foot and dropped the scalpel onto a table that manifested next to him. He pulled out a journal with pen, also setting it aside.

He took his first exploratory steps and slowly prodded the wound with a finger, wiggling it, then parting the flesh slightly. "..." He looked up to her with blank eyes. "My dad taught me to be pretty good, but that doesn't hurt?" he asked, more curious than concerned. "Pain is what we make of it. I can feel everything you're doing, It just doesn't bother me." she replied casually. "Interesting." He went to grab retractors off the walls and used them to hold the cut open. With the tool in place he now had a better view of...something. Liquids bled over some solid surface inside like a waterfall and he swore he saw something retract from the cold air. Things moved around in patterns he couldn't discern and it only brought more question.

It was as if he was looking at an entire ecosystem made of the same materials. He felt his brain overheating as he tried to comprehend what he was looking at. With careful movements he grabbed at something inside that looked loose and carefully pulled it back towards him. It was heavy, enough to make him grunt. He had to fight against it a bit as it slipped back a few times, almost causing him to lose concentration. The last thing he wanted was to accidentally fall into her chest cavity, he might never find his way out.

With another firm pull it fell from its host and onto the table. The "organ" was at least two feet long, ribbed, and rough to the touch despite its elasticity. It breathed as it laid there. Over the course of the next few hours he wrote in his journal taking note of everything he learned, which wasn't much. Some things stayed consistent but other times they would change and he couldn't pinpoint the reason. She told him that eldritch biology was as complex as quantum mechanics.

With that thinking in mind things started to make more sense but his experiments still bore little fruit. He wiped beads of black sweat and fluids from his head. "I guess Ill study this more another time..." he said defeated. "That's the spirit. Also let me help you with that." A swift motion started pulling all the black ooze that coated him into the floor. It had separated completely from his sweat before that too was pulled away.

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