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Wolves were growling, teeth were flashing, claws were slashing. "How did this even happen'' Alpha Arctic thought as he dodged an attack from a dark-grey wolf. "Where's the alpha?" she  screamed. suddenly  she slashed at Arctic's face. Arctic yelped in pain.  A red dripping gash scarred his face. Arctic ran at the wolf with imposing speed. The wolf tried to escape but Arctic was too fast, he pinned her down and slashed at her eye. The wolf bit his leg and was free, but not before Arctic blinded her right eye.

A black wolf tried to escape from her kin. Sure it was forbidden to abandon your own packmates but Asha needed to escape the Shadowpack. She spotted the beta limping away from the battlefield. Asha was only bringing her cub to meet her father. "not today she thought". In doing so she would be leaving the pack. But Spruce and her agreed that they would move to Icepack after they had cubs.

AAH. Asha screamed she already knew that she wasn't going to survive. I MUST PROTECT HER. Asha limped to the longpaw place-where she grew up. As she walked through the alleys she came upon a fenced pen with a reddish dog licking her paws.

"I need help-take my cub please!" The dog jumped over the gate and licked Asha on the head. "of course I will" she said.

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