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Maomao looked onto the horizon of Yoshiwara and smiled of nostalgia, 'I haven't been here for months' she thought. She looked onto the houses and shops. The people buying and selling, and the horses walking along. While looking out someone caught her eye. A woman with black and purple hair, being held up with a butterfly clip. The woman had a butterfly haori and a gentle complexion. Her body was frail, and had porcelain skin.

Maomao walked up to the woman and exclaimed, "Shinobu!"

Shinobu spinned around and held a familiar smile, "My, my Maomao! How big you have gotten in the span of s few months! What brings you here to Yoshiwara?"

"Ah.. well, I have business here. A famous singer has fallen ill and sent for me" Maomao said with a chuckle. The woman and girl embraced warmly,

"Would you come with me to my estate, Maomao?" Maomao excitedly thought about all the poisons and herbs in Shinobu's estate. She wondered if her collection grew or shrunk.

"Ah, im sorry but, I need to take care of my client first. I will send over my crow when I am done to inform you of my arriving" Maomao said and looked towards the ground.

"Of course! My dear apothecary is very famous these days" Shinobu laughed and gave Maomao a wave. Maomao politely bowed and dawdled away to the estate she was summoned at, 'I wonder what type of sickness the lady has..' Maomao pondered to herself, and with enough thought about poisons and herbs, she was there before she knew it. Maomao took a deep breath and knocked on the door. The door creaked open just an inch and a tall woman with a slender figure looked through the crack.

"Ahem.. who are you?" The woman squeaked. Maomao seemed confused for a moment but then answered assuringly,

"Ah! I am the apothecary you sent for!" Maomao then bowed and was shown inside. As soon as she took one step inside, she was overwhelmed with the scent of.. a demon. She looked around to locate it, but it was too strong. The frail woman closed the door and asked,
"Are you okay dear? I can make some tea if you would like" Maomao gave a soft smile and shook her head. She crept down the hall behind the woman as she leaded her to the sick woman. As they inched down the hallway the stench of demon intensified,

"Our lady, Yoshida has been severely ill for weeks. We have tried countless doctors and apothecaries but have seen no avail, countless recommendations have been made for you" The woman said sorrowfully, Maomao stayed silent and on guard. She clenched her katana in her bag ready to strike whatever comes. They both reach the door and Maomao braces herself, ready. The door swings open to reveal a frail woman with pale skin, lying in bed. Except that wasn't a woman, it was.. a demon. She seemed to be almost completely turned, and the next time that woman woke up, her humanity would be completely gone. She had long nails and fangs poking out from inside her mouth, 'It is a shame this woman is gorgeous.' She thought to herself, 'such beauty, wasted.' Maomao walked up to the defenseless woman, lying in bed,

"May I take her blood? It's to determine what disease she has." Maomao said as an excuse to study her blood. The maid then softly smiled and said sorrowfully,
"Anything to help our lady!" Maomao took out a syringe and injected the woman with it 'I pity them.' she thought to herself as blood filled up into the syringe like a steady flow of water. Maomao put the syringe in her bag as the lady started to blink her eyes open. The maid smiled and exclaimed,

"Our lady! Shes waking up!" The maid hurriedly shuffled over to the bed while Maomao took a step back and tightened her grip on her katana, ready to strike. As soon as the demon opened her eyes Maomao's eyes widened, "lowermoon 4!?"
A/N: Hello! I hope this chapter was enjoyable and im sorry, it is a bit rushed (Word count: 699)

Shinobu's tsuguko [the apothecary diaries x demon slayer]Where stories live. Discover now