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Kakushi were frantically running around and it reeked of herbs (It's not like thats a bad thing) Maomao thought. They were carrying equipment, clothes and other miscellaneous items. "hurry, hurry!" They were shouting in panic. The walkway was covered in dirt and leaves (which was usually spotless) and is quite unusual for people as wealthy as the hashiras, who can choose their pay.

Despite all the ruckus, Maomao headed towards the butterfly estate, to meet Shinobu. As she crept down the pathway, the kakushi fell into more panic and worry. Maomao was trying to figure out what it was all about and was able to make out some of a sentence: "We need..hurry up!. hashira.. rear palace" Maomao froze, 'Rear palace.?' She thought, what would they need with the rear palace? It can't be.. They can't be meeting, can they? Why the rear palace? Why the one palace she is in? To no avail, her questions were left unanswered and hanging in the air. She decided to focus on other topics but, before she knew it, she arrived at the butterfly mansion.

It was filled with delicate butterflies, more than the last time she visited. The butterflies flapped around with their glass wings, seeming to illuminate the space around them. There was a faint aroma of wisteria blossoms, which isn't unusual at Shinobu's estate. Her estate was huge, and the only change made to the building itself is lavish wind chimes toed on to some of the wood out front. There are cherry blossom trees surrounding the estate and a pond, filled with coy fish. The coy fish swam around the perimeter of the pond, sometimes crossing to the other side. The bottom of the pond was littered with small pebbles and seaweed for the fish to hide in. Around the pond were bigger rocks and before it is Kanao, sitting at the pond, back to Maomao. Kanao was wearing her uniform, but her hair was set free from her hair clip and it was neatly placed beside her.

"Kanao!" Maomao called out, seeming to forget she was drenched in blood and dirt. Kanao turned around, seemingly recognizing Maomao's voice but her excited face turned into confusion when she saw Maomao's clothes and hair. Kanao hurriedly pulled her hair together and held it with her hair clip. She got up and dashed towards Maomao, "Greetings Maomao" Kanao said with a smile and a butterfly flew onto her hand with such delicacy.

Maomao gave an awkward smile, embarrassed of the circumstances. Maomao seemed to copy what Kanao did and tied her hair up, in an attempt to keep it out of her face.

"Ah.. haha, hello Kanao" Maomao said with a bow of her head. As she wiped some of the dirt off her face Kanao worryingly asked, "Are you alright? I can call Miss Shinobu in here to treat you" She stared at her with anticipation, waiting for a response. Maomao nodded, "Well, about that. I would like to talk to Miss Shinobu, you're free to listen." Kanao turned around, "Ah, alright! Right this way," The two walked along the pebble path to the doorway.

It is quite an unusual sight, a dirtied young girl following one of the hashira's tsuguko. Well of course, Maomao is also one, but not in the usual way one would think. Maomao is in charge of all the medicines, poisons, painkillers, and herbs in general. She is the head of the hospital wing at Shinobu's estate. If Shinobu were to give up her position, Maomao would take full control of the hospital wing.

The two continued down the hall, to Shinobu's room. They entered to see Shinobu sitting neatly with a book in her hands. She had many different herbs and medical materials all sprawled out in front of her, "Ah, Kanao and Maomao. What a nice surprise!" She put her book down and looked at Maomao's wounds in worry, "Are you alright? May I treat you?" Shinobu asked but Maomao just smiled, "After this, please, Miss Shinobu." Maomao bowed her head and stepped into the room, "You may sit. both of you, may sit" Shinobu said. The two shuffled in and sat down in front of Shinobu with their legs crossed. Maomao gazed at Shinobu's eyes which were warm and soft, but there was just a hint of some emotion, some uncontrollable fury just sitting inside of her. It was as if she could see right through Shinobu and there was this ball of anger, steadily growing until she lets it all out,

"Ahem, Miss Shinobu I have a request. I also acknowledge that it may be too difficult and too much to ask of you, you probably are very busy and cou-"

"Maomao, please"

"Ah, yes Miss Shinobu, will you please train me in combat?" Shinobu smiled and softly laughed, she covered her face and smiled. This was a rare sight for the people at the butterfly estate, usually Shinobu would just have a plastered on smile and give a small chuckle at a joke or two. But, Shinobu genuinely laughed. Maomao's cheeks went a bit red and looked down in embarrassment,

"My, my! Well of course Maomao! I trust that you will also help, Kanao?" Kanao smiled and gave a nod in agreement, Maomao was stunned. She thought it would take at least a bit of convincing but Shinobu and Kanao agreed right away. Shinobu picked up some of her stuff off the floor and started to move it to her desk in the corner. The desk was light brown and made of what seemed like bamboo and maple wood. Shinobu then started to adjust her bookshelf, "Now now, you may also ask Mitsuri for help. Though she may have a bit of missions, she will probably set away some time for you." She continued yo organize her desk area until it was spotless, not a speck of dust in sight. At the rear palace when Maomao would clean, it would take 30 minutes to organize a desk that thoroughly but Shinobu did it in a matter of 5 minutes. She couldn't help but bask in this efficiency.

Maomao turned to look at Kanao who was watching Shinobu intensely, Maomao wouldn't be surprised if she burned two holes into the side of Shinobu. Kanao's hands were clenched and she seemed to be tense. Shinobu then stated, "I believe that you also know about the garden party?" Maomao turned her head in confusion, "You mean the one at the palace?" She nodded her head in acknowledgment, "Ah yes! The hashira and their tsuguko's are invited and joining!" Shinobu stood in a stance and clapped her hands together. She smiled and swiftly walked over to the two girls sitting on the floor, while Maomao stared in disbelief, 'What?' She thought, she was very confused and her head filled with so many questions it became hard to think,

"Ah! Thats new to my ears, but I most likely would have been informed at the rear palace. I assume it is happening in 5 weeks, the original time. Am I correct?" Shinobu nodded her head quickly, "I'm very excited to meet the people you are working with!" Kanao also nodded her head in agreement, and focused on Maomao. Shinobu walked up to the window and put her hand on it. Her hair fell out of her ear and Shinobu tucked it back in. Her posture was straight, very common for a woman of high social status and of that amount of beauty. "eternally beautiful" the kakushi would whisper among themselves at the sight of her.

"My, my, it's almost night! Maomao if you wish to train, let's do it at dawn. But before you do that, let me take care of your wounds. Kanao you may leave if you wish." Kanao took out her coin and flipped it. She then exited the room swiftly.

Shinobu treated all of Maomao's wounds, cuts and scrapes with medication and bandages, "Alright, you're all patched up. I also wanted to inform you that you will be attending the garden party with the rear palace, not with the demon slayers." Maomao nodded, she understood that they don't want to expose her but was still disappointed, "I understand, Miss Shinobu. Thank you for treating me."


A/N: Hello! You can probably tell but this is rushed and I am sorry for that! I hope you enjoyed and If anyone wants to request anything to happen in this, just ask me and I will consider it! (Word count: 1428)

Shinobu's tsuguko [the apothecary diaries x demon slayer]Where stories live. Discover now