Anywhere and You're Still the Priority

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"I'm telling you Haiyi!" Alhaitham listened closely to what his lover is saying, his left hand clutched the book in he was reading flipping a page or two as his right hand is tightly holding Kaveh's left hand. The cheerful blonde skipping around as he tells his lover about his day. "The Academiya could use a nap area for students. Like a hammock here and there would be nice."

This conversation took started when the man picks his husband up from his office earlier, there he took a good check of the place and the student's accommodation, only to start pestering his husband about some upgrades needed to be done.

He insists on them.

Not that Alhaitham mind though, the proposal is actually a good one, not to mention he can just listen to his lover talk.

"Why don't you make a proposal about it as part of the Ksharewar then?" Alhaitham proposes. "That way, the other sages can also hear it and might propose ways to improve them."

"Well... if I have time, I will!"

The two was enveloped in a comfortable silence on their way home. Kaveh humming a tune he heard from Nilou whereas Alhaitham continued with the book he's reading. His hand still tightly clutching his lover's hand.

"H-Haiyi?" The sound of uneasiness in Kaveh's voice immediately made Alhaitham look up from what he's reading. He glance at his lover only to see him looking down at the ground. He followed the man's gaze to be greeted by a glowing circle that surrounded his feet.

"Haiyi!" The circle glowed even brighter and Kaveh wrapped his arms around his husband protectively, Alhaithan did the same as the light enveloped their entire body.

Amidst the empty streets of Sumeru, the lovers disappeared with a faint glow.


"The summoning ritual is successful!" With his grip still tight and protective around his lover, caging him around his chest, Alhaitham opened his eyes to be greeted by a big hall surrounded by people in fancy clothing.

He and his spouse are standing inside a drawn magic circle similar to the one's that appeared under him. He looked around the strange room. Somewhat similar to the system of some noble place.

At the center of the hall a man and a woman sat, wearing a somewhat fancy cloth with crowns above their head, the seat where they sat is adorned with gold and jewels. Too much even for Alhaitham's liking. He bet Kaveh's face will grimace when he sees that.

Speaking of Kaveh, Alhaitham figured it was time to ignore everyone around him so that he could check on his lover who's currently shaking in his hold. His face buried on the Grand Sage's chest as his hands wrapped tightly around his torso.

"Veh... Sweet." Alhaitham gently called out, silencing the entire hall when the person they summoned suddenly spoke. The man couldn't care less. He gently grabbed the blonde's face cupping it with his hands as he strokes his cheeks.

Kaveh looked up, and immediately, Alhaitham felt his heart dropped. Kaveh looked so shaken, tears at the corner of his beautiful eyes as he sniffles lightly, trying his best to meet his lover's eyes.

"Haiyi- what is happening? Where are we?" Kaveh is not really one to panic in such situation, hell he's too capable for that. But whatever just happened must've shaken him so much that he's losing composure like this. In Alhaitham's case, he can't lose composure because it will worry Kaveh more.

Suddenly, mumbles were heard around the place. And Alhaitham listened closely to whatever they were saying.

"T-Two? Two were summoned?"

"The other must've been close to the hero when he was being summoned."

"He looked too slim to be a hero."

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