Werid facts about me :3 (if you care)

I puke everytime I have ice cream

When I was 12-13 and really depressed I took to much ibuprofen and fucked up my intestines

I used to have an emo phase

Sometimes I stim when I'm excited (it's like rlly embarrassing tho)

I love blue takis and ghost energy drinks and parmesan chicken wings and just chicken in general

When ppl give me bracelets I wear them until they break

I'm really fucking weird and awkward

I get nose bleeds a lot and they last for an hour each

One time my dad smacked me and I got a nose bleed out of both my nostrils

All I drink is dr pepper, monsters and ghost

I used to not be able to eat lasagna because everytime I hated the way it felt in my tummy and puked it up

I use the cat emojis all the time unironically 😹😽😾😻

I think the words penis, wenis, fart, boobies and jizz are funny

I'll say whatevers on my mind and sometimes it's offensive 🤷🏼‍♀️

I listen to lmfao unironically

I was sexual assault by an autistic kid when I was 12 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹

Apparently I'm diagnosed with depression????

I had such a bad ed last year that I couldn't even eat a saltine cracker without feeling guilty

I hate sherpa blankets

I cry when I see dead cats or dogs on the side of the road

I cut my foot on an axe when I was a kid

I used to have an unhealthy obsession with flamingo the youtuber when I was 9

I shower in the morning

I cant stand looking at myself without makeup

I cant go a day without showering or else I start feeling dirty inside my skin and everywhere

I like monkeys

I'm always playing roblox

The word peni is so funny

Sometimes I yap way too much

I grew up listening to p!nk

I pluck my eyebrows really thin

Ok that it I'm like rlly eepy rn 😋

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