When you're not looking.

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"I still can't believe you named your baby after me," your dear friend and...kind of brother-in-law said.
"Yeah, well you better get used to it," you grinned.
The two of you were out in the city to buy Felicia some clothes as she's growing out of her clothes , you where sad that that she was growing up but you where excited what else your little baby had in store for you.
You still remember when she smiled for the first time, Lovino was holding her, walking around trying to lull her to sleep when he looked down she had the brightest smile on her face. You just walked in finding him kiss her little face all over. You never seen him so giddy, so when you asked what happened he kissed your face all over.
So a couple of months later and here you were shopping for her new clothes.
You were shuffling through some clothes, of course all the stores you went to where high end, your husband was one of the most powerful mafia bosses in the world. It was hard to remember that fact when he was such a good and soft dad.
Only the little white onesies were on the cheaper side since they got dirty all the time anyway.
"Oh what a little sweetheart," someone said beside you, you turned around to see an old lady reach for your baby. "Thank you, but please don't touch her," you said. "Oh don't worry, my hands are clean," she replied. You grew slightly annoyed and you pulled the stroller away, the lady huffed in annoyance.
"I asked you to stop. So I'd appreciate it if you left her alone, Felicia doesn't like many people touch her." You explained, you really did want to be kind but this lady was testing you.
"Oh please, parents these days always worry about nothing, she's a baby, she doesn't have opinions," she snapped.
"What's going on?" Antonio asked as he approached the two of you.
"Oh are you her father? Tell your wife that she's overreacting." She asked.
Antonio crossed his arms "I'm her brother-in-law, but even if I was, she asked you multiple times to leave HER child alone so I suggest that you do so," he warned, the ladies eyes went wide before she actually left.
"Why does no one ever listen to me?" You sighed, fucking the little blanket tighter around your sleeping daughter.
Antonio shrugged "you just don't look intimidating," he teased, you rolled your eyes at him as you went to the counter to pay for the clothes you picked out.

You two were finally home, Lovino was still out on whatever his work needed him to do. Antonio left so you were home alone with Felicia, unless Feliciano was running around somewhere, but you doubted that since he wan probably off with Ludwig and Kiku doing their own work.
Little whimpers came from the stroller and soon turned into full out cries.
"Hey, shh, I'm here baby, mama is here, you said softly as you picked her up. Her diaper wasn't full so you figured that she's just hungry. You plopped down on the sofa and began feeding her.
The door opened and closed and you heard someone grumble to himself, so you knew that it was Lovino.
You looked up, as you burped Felicia.
"Hey there," you smiled as he approached the two of you. "Ciao, amore mio," he said as he kissed your forehead before sitting down next to the two of you.
Felicia made a sound, reaching up for her papa.
Lovino took her with a smile, bouncing her slightly on her little feet on his lap. You curled up to his side, you loved watching them together, it was the sweetest thing ever, seeing the big mafia boss wash away as soon as he held her.
"How was work?" You asked, your head on his shoulder watching the smile on your daughters face.
"Let's not talk about that right now, he said," moving Felicia so she was coped up in his arm, you reached out stroking her little cheek.
"How was the city?" He asked instead, you sighed as you explained what happened.
"I'm just happy Antonio was there," you muttered, feeling your eyes get heavy.
"That stupida old bitch," Romano muttered when we heard a giggle bubble out of your daughter, waking you up fully.
Both of your eyes were wide. Felicia let out another giggle "did she just?" You asked, Lovino nodded, tears falling out of his eyes.
That was her first laugh, the two of you were over the moon. Lovino kissed her little face just as he did when she first smiled at him. He then kissed your lips lovingly, you took Felicia from him.
"You're such a little papa's girl, Felicia," you said to her, your smile never falling when the door opened.
"Uhm, fratello? There's a problem..." Feliciano muttered.
Romano groaned "what is it, idiota?"
You sat up straight, careful not to disturb Felicia as she was just dozing off.
"Uhm, the camera's don't seem to work," he said.
Lovino kissed both of your temples before getting up.
"I'll be right back, mi amore," he muttered before heading out with his younger brother.

Mafia boss!Romano X Reader: a happy family (lemon) Where stories live. Discover now