Another one?!

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You and your family were in the garden, enjoying the afternoon sun. Lovino was dozing off in a lounge chair, Feliciano was playing marco pollo in the pool, having Ludwig call marco. Kiku was reading in the shade and Antonio was working in the vegetable garden.
You sat in the grass on banket with Felicia, she was crawling now so you had to watch her at all times.
However she sometimes tried to stand now and we're waiting for the moments she'd take a step.
You had her dressed in a yellow and white checkered dress and a white sun hat. She looked adorable, her little curl poked out underneath it.
She was giggling to her self as she shook her rattle in her little fist. Suddenly, she threw the rattle away as she stared after it.
You thought she was going to crawl to it but to your surprise she tried to stand up.
"Oh my god, Lovino look!" You called out as your little girl stood up all by herself, Lovino filmed it on his phone with a smile.
With a grunt she took one step, and another and another her arms wide to keep her balance "come on then sweetie," you encouraged, she grinned and wobbled over to you, just as she was a out to fall over you catched her, spinning her around and kissing her face making her giggle. "Oh my goodness, Lovino did you catch that?" You grinned, said man walked up to you two grinning himself from ear to ear. "That was amazing, Mia bella ragazza carina!" (My pretty girl) he cheered. Felicia giggled reaching to go to him, of course he picked her up.
"Ve~ she walked!" Feliciano cheered, everyone else joined him. You chuckled at your crazy family, but Felicia hid in her daddies shoulder, getting shy over all the attention. Just as he wanted to sit down with her, Gilbert called, he was supposed to be on duty with Elizaveta and Roderick.
He picked up with a sigh and set Felicia back on the ground and walked off.
He came back a few minutes later with a scowl on his face.
"Sorry mi amore, I need to go, something came up," he said, you sighed but understood.
"It's alright, I'll be waiting for you," you grinned as you kissed him goodbye. Lovino bent down to kiss his daughter on her head, she cried when he left and you knew it broke his heart. Antonio and Ludwig went with him, leaving you two with Feliciano.

Lovino came home just after dinner, which of course was pasta.
You were in the living room, playing with Felicia when he walked in. Lovino greeted you with a kiss, Felicia on the other hand stood up and waddled over to her papa with a giggle who grabbed her in a hug and sat with you on the floor.
You saw him stare at Felicia's shirt, and then back at you and back at the shirt again. "Y/N? You're pregnant?" He asked, you nodded and then got covered in kisses. "How long did you know?" He asked you shrugged "found out earlier," you smiled.
Lovino let out a tear as Felicia tapped his cheek with her hand. "You're going to be a sorella, bella," he said to her before kissing her tiny hands.
"Oh mi amore you've made me so happy," he said.

You and Romano were sleeping when a loud bang sounded through the mansion. The both of you jumped out of bed immediately when Antonio slammed open your door, crying Felicia in his arms.
"Arthur is here, he just bombed the front door." He panted, you took Felicia from him.
"Y/n, take Felicia and-" he didn't finish as Arthur stood right there with Alfred and Francis, all guns in hand.
"I'd check on your brother, he's not doing too great." Arthur said to Lovino.
"Why you little," he muttered as he stepped closer.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Alfred warned, his gun aiming at him.
"Arthur what do you want?" You seethed, Felicia would stop crying. "Shut that child up before I do it for you!" He yelled, this only made her cry louder.
Antonio stood in front of you "really Francis? You chose these guys over us? Killing pregnant women and their children?" He said to the blond Frenchman. You were desperately trying to quiet Felicia down but due to all the stress you only started to tear up yourself.
Something in Francis shifted as he lowered his gun on Lovino.
"You bloody frog! Put your gun back up!" Arthur yelled.
"What happened to you?" You asked.
Arthur's face went wild "what happened? WHAT HAPPENED?!" He started. "YOU HAPPENED!" He screamed. "You were born and suddenly EVERYONE worshipped the ground you walked on, you did everything they wanted you to THEY WANTED TO LET YOU TAKE OVER THE BUSINESS!" Arthur screamed, Felicia was a mess in your arms, it broke your heart.
"And then when I thought that you were leaving you married HIM! A fucking Vergas! When I ORDERED you to marry Ivan, he was ready to give us aid in whatever we needed," he screamed, even Alfred had lowered his gun, so you made a quick decision. You took the gun from Antonio and shoved Felicia in Lovino's arms. "Y/n, what are you doing?!" He shouted, but you had the gun aimed at Arthur.
"Arthur, you're going to listen to me." You said, Antonio tackled him to the ground, holding him
There as you pushed the barrel against his neck.
"I loved you so much, Arthur, I looked up to you, I never wanted the business, I never asked for any of this, I begged you to walk me down the isle because dad couldn't, you refused so Antonio did that for me instead. I told you I was pregnant but you ignored me, but then you come in, steal her from me when I'm not looking, you come in in the middle of the night, threatening me, your sister, you admitted that Feliciano is hurt, I don't even know what happened to Ludwig, but you come in here, threatening Felicia's life again. You come here to wreck the home that took me in when you didn't want to because of your stupid pride!" you where crying, the tears dripping on Arthur.
"I don't want *snif* to have to kill you, I want you to be my big brother again, but tonight, you showed me
again why you will never be that to me." you took a deep breath before looking at Antonio, "take
him outside," you muttered, Antonio nodded. everyone was quiet, even Felicia started to calm down. "Y/n whatever it is you're planning, I can do it for you," Lovino offered but you kissed his cheek, "I have to do this..." you said as you followed Antonio out the door.
Feliciano was bleeding on the ground, you reached over him to see if he was still alive, Ludwig looked just as bad. You wiped a tear from your eyes as you looked back at Romano, asking to help them, of course he agreed.
The rain clattered down outside as you stood in front of your brother.
"Y/n, Please, give me another chance..." he begged.
"Why? So you can kidnap my baby again? Kidnap this one?" You said as you laid a hand on your stomach. "Kill me before we even get to meet him?"
"Feliciano and Ludwig are barely alive..." you muttered.
"I don't get why your men help you, what did you say to convince Alfred to want to kill me too? He's my half brother.." you said as you aimed the gun at him, but your hands shook, you couldn't kill him...
"I'll do it, enough is enough," Alfred said from beside you. Antonio stepped aside to let the American do what he had to.
You buried your face in your hands when you heard the shot and the thud when Arthur hit the ground.
You couldn't help the tears as you realised that you killed your brother.
"It's done," Alfred muttered as he walked you inside where he helped Feliciano and Ludwig.
Romano, Alfred and Antonio carried the two of them to their bedroom as you called Gilbert to tell him what happened, aswel as Roderick and Elizaveta so they were aware of what happened tonight.
Ivan was long gone but Francis stayed behind with Alfred. Apparently Arthur convinced them that you wanted to kill them so you could inherit the money.
You didn't sleep well that night...

Mafia boss!Romano X Reader: a happy family (lemon) Where stories live. Discover now