I Need To Kill You, If I Want To Live Ch.2

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Hi!!!!!!!!!!! I know I am not the best writer in the world, but I do know that... Kumquats are blue!!!!!! What? No, wait... sorry that was my idiot sister. So anyways, the Earth is round, the sky is blue, the grass may be green, brown or yellow, and humans are still...human ( can't think of a word to descride any of it.) I'm sorry, but I post at random times, thanks to a) my stupid sister   b) homework    c) school d) school and e) kumquats? ...never mind, but the next time I post will be somtime next week, I hope.

Any hoo, here is CHAPTER 2

Chapter 2

I could feel a warmth on my skin, I know I died too fast, I can't be a grim reaper. But as I slowly opened my eyes to the brilliant warm light of what I'm guessing as heaven, I couldn't help but feel comfortable in the white light and soft touches of fluff. I shut my eyes again, hoping to sleep in peace. Heaven is truly comfortable.

This isn't heaven, hon

I sat up immediately, the angelic voice scaring the living daylights out of me. I glanced around cautiously, I wasn't the type to be scared or want to be scared.

"Hello?...Anyone here? God was that you? Are you my conscience?

No hon, I'm not God and I'm not your conscience.

"Well, then please show yourself. I don't want to feel crazy for talking to nothing."

Well...Alright hon, if you insist.

In a huge flash of red light and a loud clap of thunder, two people appeared before my very eyes.

One was a tall woman in a large black cloak, she had dark black hair  that fell to her waist and an enormous amount of mascara and eyeliner on. She had the darkest eyes, that looked like pits of black fire, people screaming and dying in them. She frowned at me with dark red lips. I smiled back at her, knowing that my mom may be frowning on the outside, but she was smiling on the inside. That's right, this is Bloody Mary, she was totally different from her real personality when she was wearing her haunting clothes.

The other was a man wearing a navy blue business suit. His eyes were enormous, but like black holes that can suck the souls right out of you. His black buzz cut hair seemed slightly out of his style now a days. Everytime he moved, there was a flicker of his true form, hollow eyes, all bones and a black cloak. He was holding a pen in his right hand and clicking it vigorously as we stared at one another. I gave him a slight polite nod. That's how you talk to The Grim Reaper, there was no hellos, no wasup's and definately no high-fives.

"Mom, Dad. I see you guys are looking well." I murmured in an elagance that was very unbecoming of me.

"And you, my darling, seem quite healthy." My mother spoke in a graceful accent. " I was hoping you would survive until your 16th birthday just like your brothers and sisters. But one musn't speak of the faith for another's mistake. Your father and I have decided to give you another chance."

I blinked hard, thinking this is all a dream. When that didn't work I pinched myself hard, and grunted from the pain as it left a red mark on my shoulder. My deathly parents stared at me wonderingly, as if they've never seen someone trying to wake themselves up after seeing them.

"A-are you serious?" I stuttered, " I thought it was against The Rules of The Dead."

"It is." My mother said in a soft sigh. She looked at me with those sharp eyes of hers, as if daring me to ask more.

I didn't have to aspeak one word of it. My dad answered my thoughts. " We got you another chance by begging on our hands and knees at the Devil. Those tortures of his are unbearable, but it was so much more important to save our daughter. We had to ask."

I stood there speechless and momentarily silent. My mother and father never usually cared for us unless we were annoying them or crying. This was the first time my parents showed any concern for us when we weren't crying or annoying them.

"Thank you so much." I said to them, smiling to the best of my ability. It's not easy to smile when your parents frown all the time.

"The Devil agreed to give you a chance of course, but only on one condition." My mother said, her frown deepening as she gave me my instructions. I felt the dread creep slowly into my heart. "You must kill the boy that killed you within 3 days."

I gave a flat look. Everyone knew that if a grim reaper killed someone on their own, without the consent of the Devil, they will serve severe punishment. The Devil was to give specific instructions on who to kill, the name, the date, the place and how. The vague references were what got my uncle killed in the first place. He was told to kill a blond-haired boy, and he did, one at the coffeeshop. Without knowing he broke the rules, my uncle came back and was burned and beheaded immediately. The Devil was absolutely delighted, he loved to torture everyone, especially his slaves. He would bring them to near death, but keep them alive until the very end, where they take themselves to be burned alive.

"I...I- Alright. I'll do it." I finally said. There was nothing much to do, and I would do anything to become a grim reaper. "But, wait, what would happen if I can't kill him."

My father gave me a distant look, a look of sadness and misery, and finally answered. "You become the Devil's slave."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2011 ⏰

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