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'Do you know how fast i was driving?!'

He is out of breath and sprawled on the floor and smiling. 'I cant beleive you drove his car like that. He's going to kill you.'

A pause. 'Is he?'

He laughed. 'YES.'

I finally realized who I was. I was the hostage.

I take a step back. He doesnt notice. He is too busy wheezing and laughing. I move another step and he is still oblivious.

I sprint...and run straight into him.

I look back to where he had been sitting.... and look up at him. 'How?'

He smiled. 'Im a criminal mastermind, you know.'

I put my head down, then stare at the car. He notices. 'That wont be able to make the next block. There's no point in trying to do this anyway. Devon's probably got agents all over this little land.'

I swivel around, feeling nervous. 'A-Are you sure? I drove pretty far.'

He looks at me and sighs. 'I have a question.'

'You think I dont have questions?'

'Why did you defend Devon when he came to your school. He could be in prison right now if not for you. And you barely knew him. So why...?'

I was silent. Until 'I was young and dumb.'

'That was a week ago.'

'We grow everyday you know. I just matured a little when I almost killed myself trying to save myself.' I finally realized my stupidity and put a hand on my head. 'God, Im stupid.'

He grinned. 'You know, you seemed really cool in that barn.'

I turned to him. 'You were there?'


A pause. 'You were going to kill me that day.'

'You should be honored.'

My voice suddenly quivers. 'But why are you guys so young? Devon has to be, what 16. And you...?'

'Im 19.'

'Exactly! And yet youre running around with guns and cars that could pay my school fees for 10 years straight.'

He grinned. 'Not everyone get's lucky as you. We have to survive anyway we can. There are so many middle aged rich dudes to go around, but it never reached me.'

I smiled. 'Why are you being nice to me? Arent you meant to be, I dont know, ruthless killers?'

He frowned. 'Like you said were kids. More accurately, I'm a guy and you're a beautiful girl. Who says I cant talk a little?'

I blushed. 'So, you're going to let me go?'



He frowned. 'But there's still one thing though. How am I going to get you back?'

'Back? Do you want me to die?'

'Do you want me to die?'

'We dont have to go back!! We can sit in this old road and hold hands and see the sunset and...'

But he was already turning away. He seemed to be trying to retrace my steps(should i call it steps). I am about to run away when he suddenly comes up to me and grabs my arm. He smiles. 

'I almost forget I wasnt alone.'


After a lot of intense walking and a lot of silence and embarassing requests and pleads of mercy(obviously from me), we finally stopped at an old tree to take shade. I was hoping that I could run away once the moment arose to, but that hot idiot kept grabbing my hand once I got the courage until he got tired of checking on me and permanatly took my hand and held it down.

Who knew such a beautiful gesture would be so frustrating!

'Can I ask a question?' I squeeked.

He turned to me. 'Yeah, sure.'

'Why do you want me so bad. You could have just held me for ransom, then let me go. But you didnt. You even took us out of the city. Why?'

The clucking of chickens and the squeels of little children where the only things that answered my question. The roots that i had been sitting on suddenly felt much harder than they actually where and my face was growing hot and itchy.

He had changed his stare, his eyes were now so cold, it felt like I was freezing.

I recoiled. 'So you are ruthless killers then.'

He heard me, but said nothing.

Baseless sounds continued to fill the space that we had created. The hearty sound of men, the  heavenly singing in a choir and a cat meowing in the distance. The aroma of different scents hit my nostrils. Must be lunchtime, which meens it's noon.

I wouldnt know though, i didnt have a watch, and even if I did I wouldnt be able to look at it. I seemed to be trapped and lost in Kofi's gaze.

Finally, he said something, though he continued to stare at me. 'Are you hungry?'

I looked at him, unable to speak.

Suddenly concious, he finally looked away from me and began to rest on the tree's trunk. 'Are you hungry?'


'Yes!' I snapped.

He looked at me like I was a crazy person, and it took me a while to notice that he had finally let go of my hand. I pretended to be oblivious, but no plan agreed to form in my mind. It was like I wanted to stay here even though i didnt.

How does that work??

He continued to stare away from me, and i followed his gaze to see two people....kissing.

I turned back to him to see he had been watching me. He raised an eyebrow.

Was i blushing before? My cheeks were on FIRE now.

I tried to hide it by turning the other way, but he used his hand to turn my face back to him.

'You know what youre suggesting right??' 

His voice reduced to a whisper. 'What am I suggesting?'

I immediately changed the subject. 'What's for lunch?'

He moved closer, a strand of hair brushed his eyelashes. 


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