Chapter 12

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Emelyn P.O.V

"Can I get rid this thing now?" I tried to pull the blindfold away from my face.

"No you can't" I felt his hand grab mine. He slowly pull me while walking forward. I cautiously taking my steps, thinking I might fall down flat on my face.

"That would be embarrassing" Syke laughed.

"Shut up"

"Jeez chill will ya? You're so uptight"

"I won't be one if you stop making fun of me"

She chuckle "Whatever Just don't step his foot and trip over him"

I grip his hand tighter while he slowly leading me for only God knows. I felt
a leaves rub against my arms and legs, also I felt the ground is not really flatten like most indoors do. Also I can feel the grass under my sole.

So I guess we're in the park? Or maybe we going to ride horses together?

For odd reason, I feel something bad going to happen. Like really bad...I can feel it in my gut. Or maybe I am too nervous about this date.

Yeah that's right I'm nervous...

I'm sure Daniel will not do something horrible to me...

And why people want to go horse riding during night time? When 'we' have difficulties seeing in the dark. I meant the human of course, because half of them live in our society.

I can't imagine how romantic it was, riding horses together while laughing and talking to each other.

Shit I sound like Amber.

All the sudden I step something soft I cringe "Did I just step a poo?" I silently pray it wasn't.

I heard him muttered softly under his breath he pull me to his side "I guess you did"

My eyes turn into saucers under this stupid blindfold, I quickly rip it from my face before gazing on my shoes.

"Fuc- Wait that is not a poo" I squint my eyes to a muddy ground.

"Nope. It's not" He sheepishly smile. I almost want to glare at him, instead I gasps in surprise.

My eyes wandered around the surrounding, we are currently in forest. Candles are lit everywhere a small dinning table are place, in the middle with some food and stuff.

"You like it?" I turn around I shook my head earning a disappointed look.

"No I love it..This is...Wow"

His face lits up he grab my face, and peck my cheeks. Daniel took my hand he drag me to the table, he pull out the chair like a gentleman. I gave him a smile and plopped on it.

He sat opposite me I kept looking around the place, oddly it looks familiar to me. But never in my life I ever step into this forest, I feel something bad coming its way to me.

No. I bet it's just my feelings, I think I'm just nervous..I guess...

Yes maybe I am nervous. Because I know nobody will hurt me or Daniel. Shaking my head I look at him, he was staring at me a worried look plasters on his face.

"Are you okay?"

Faking a smile I say "Yeah I'm okay"

He didn't buy it "You sure?"

"Yeah Mom. I'm fine" I mock.

"Now now sweetie don't be rude to your boyfriend, it's not good and act like a lady" He said in high pitch voice.

I laughed and play along "Yes Mom I always being nice to Daniel. Plus have you seen me peeing while standing?"

He cringe "Okay let's not continue this, it's weird to imagine my girlfriend peeing like that"

I laugh again "You started first"

"Just eat and let's talk about other stuff" He said. Nodding both of us start, eating our food and talk casually without nobody disturb us.

Only us...


I lean myself closer to Daniel while we taking, our steps deeper into the forest. Using the candles like a trail, he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Stop making that face" He pinch my cheeks.

I huffed "I won't be doing it if I don't have another surprises"

"I hate surprises" I muttered.

He raised his eyebrows "Well you shouldn't because life is full of surprise"

"Wow! The quote of the day!" I retorted.

"I'm saying the truth kitten, you'll never know sooner or later you found your mate"

A worried look flash on his eyes, his warm eyes stare at me for a moment. I playfully punch his chest "Then I'll reject him"

His eyes widen "What?! Why you do that?!"

"It's because he probably going to hate me since I got a boyfriend, who made me fall hard on him"

A grin spread on his face he peck my lips "Thank you"

"No thank you" I smile.

I've notice the candles are getting lesser by every steps that we made, soon I saw a hammock that could fit around three people at least.

I pull the side down before lying on it Daniel was next to me, he wrap his arms around my waist. I lean my head on his crook nice inhaling his scent.

I swear I heard a low growl escape form his lips, also a bludge on his pants. Trying not to blush I shift slightly away from him. I don't know why, I felt things going to get ugly after this.

He pull me closer he sniff my neck seductively I froze. Slowly he kiss my lips hard, I moan when he grab my boobs. Soon he deepen the kiss I grab his face, closer to me and he kept squeezing my boobs.

He took off my top off without breaking the kiss, I unbuttoned his shirt and throw it away. Daniel kiss the soft spot on my neck, making me moan. He bite my skin gently and sucking it.

I felt his hands trying unbuttoned my jeans immediately I pull away "No Daniel...we..Can't do this.."

His eyes clouded with lust he ingore me and continue unbutton it, I tried to push him away instead he begin to rip my clothes off.

"No Daniel! I'm not ready for this!" I scream.

"I'm going to make you mine" He muttered. Using all my force I push him making him fall onto the other side. Without wasting any longer I shift I saw him stood up.

Immediately I run without caring which direction that I'm heading. I heard his footsteps or paws behind me, it won't be a surprise that he shift.
"Be a good girl and come here" He said through mind link.

"No! You piece of Shit!"

"Okay I'll take the hard way. Kitten" I  block him.

Fuck my life.


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