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Chester jumped at the sudden loud knock coming from the door, he wondered who at this time would be at his door. He walked through the hallway and once there he opened the door. In front of him stood the familiar man, Santi.

"What the fuck-" He cursed out before trying to close the door. Yet it was stopped by a foot between his door and doorframe. "Listen to me please." The redhead started. "Why should I listen to a rude fuck!" He tried to shove away the shoe from the doorframe, yet it was no use. "Because I'm sorry!"

The blonde stepped back and opened the door fully.

"I was drunk okay? I should've from the beginning just accepted that you couldn't do something you weren't capable at." Chester listened actively the other. Deciding to stand there silently, he wanted more words of course.

"I shouldn't have pinned you like that and said disgusting shit, I simply should've ignored you at that time." His breath was shaky as he spoke.

Suddenly a bouquet was shoved into his face. "So please, accept this apology!" The redhead was even more red. His stretched arms covering half of his face.

"Fine. Are you...still up for a tattoo?" The blonde took the bouquet filled with bright red roses.

"Of course, but this time I took something more simple." He smiled gently at the shorter one. "Alright, just come by tomorrow and ill see if it's okay." He rested a hand on his door, smiling back at the other.


Chester laid down onto his bed. Sure the sun was just setting now and he was laying on his bed like some mamas boy. He kept thinking about how nice the redhead was.

He didn't know what the feeling was in his stomach, yet he felt like he could trust the guy or maybe more than that. He smiled to himself before closing his eyes happily. Some early sleep wouldn't be bad for him.


The brunette sighed as he leaned against his counter, why were there so many people suddenly. Sure, he did expect that there will be more customers than usual but he didn't expect 100 of them.

At this point he was wondering if he should quit because who likes even Plants? Well, of course, it's him.

Who else would be interested into that some cactuses can live up to 200 years. Well, him yet again.

Parker looked out of the massive windows of the shop, seeing the familiar face of someone. He watched as the person walked inside, he was confused. What was Santi up to now?
Because he knew one thing and it's that Santi doesn't like plants at all.

"What's up?" Parker acted friendly as if they were close brothers. "I need some info...about your neighbor." The brunette could feel himself getting goosebumps under his hoodie. What does he want from Chester?

"Why ask me? I barely even know what his hobby is."  The brunette shook his head in disappointment. "So? You must know at least something."  Santi scoffed, hovering over the other practically. Although they both were the same height, the other would wear shoes that gives a few centimeter difference.

"I want to know what he likes to do, what he loves to eat and drink, what his favourite art is-" "Okay, back up. I only spoke to the guy for a few hours about useless topics and not about his life. Go ask him or something. You're here hopeless with me."

Parker didn't fear to cut off the other, although Santi might be still insane inside. The brunette was still thought as a rock.

With that the other gave up and scowled, walking away angrily. Parker, on the other hand was silently thinking. Why would Santi want to know about that stuff? Was he planning to do something to him? Whatever it is Parker felt like it would be good to go undercover and investigate.

He was brought to reality when he saw a woman appear in front of him with some flowers in hand. He apologized and continued working.

While working he couldn't help but wonder about what had happened. Something was going on between those two apparently. He wished he could just leave his job and run all the way to their apartment building. Yet he couldn't, no matter how badly he needed the money from his work.

He bit his lip, refraining himself from going to that damn sign and turning it over. "Fuck the money." He thought to himself before going over angrily and turning it over, he packed his bags and shut down his computer. Running out from the back and locking it quickly. He might stink like a skunk once he arrives to Chester's apartment but he didn't care.

He gasped when he got there, knocking onto the door loudly. He heard shuffling on the other side of the door, with a minute the blonde swung the door open and revealed himself in his pajamas.

"What's wrong? Did something ha-" "What the fuck is your deal with Santi?" He cut off the other, leaning over at the door frame. "What do you mean?" The blonde furrowed. "I mean what is going on between you two?" He looked into the other's eyes only to be slapped across the face. "What the fuck is wrong with you! What goes on between me and him is none of your fucking business." He poked the others chest.

"You know I was really hoping for us to be friends but seems like you are some kind of weirdo peeking into peoples business!" He hissed before slamming his door shut. Were rich people really this stupid?

He shook his head in defeat and just shrugged it off, he couldn't just go back to his workspace like nothing happened. He either ways needed time for himself so he just walked over to his door and closed his door shut behind him.

Far in the corner of the end of the hall a head peeked through, the familiar redhead being in sight. "Seems like I cannot trust him after all. Pft, I'll kill him before he gets his hands onto my beloved." He lit up his cigarette and walked downstairs. Grasping tightly onto his hunting knife in his pocket.

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