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"Finally." The blonde sighed happily as he got out of that alcohol smelling hospital. "Once you're home you will have to spend your days slow and careful, I don't think you want your shoulder to get worse from dislocating." Parker mumbled as he had his hands in his pockets. He waved over with a hand for a Taxi, one instantly drove over to them and they got inside.

Parker told the guy the location where to drive.

"Yeah, I will like have to wait 8 weeks till i go for a doctor check up. Until then I have to send pictures of it to my doctor." He put the seatbelt onto him. The only uncomfortable thing was that Chester would sometimes hit his arm against the Taxis door for the guys reckless driving.

Parker noticed that and moved himself closer, wrapping an arm around the other's waist and pulling him close to the brunette so he wouldn't hit the door every time. The blonde couldn't help but smile at how the other cared for him, after all.

And of course they would stay like that of the rest off the drive, Parker tried to convince to himself that he was just being a helpful friend but he had other thoughts that would make him blush a bit.

Chester on the other hand thought it was nice from him, after all of those countless fights and here they were, so close to each other that people could call them a couple.

After maybe a hour of driving they got to the parking area of their apartment, after paying the guy for the drive they got out. "My apartment was cleaned right?" Chester asked, having a disgusted face on.

"Of course, I don't think the landlord would be happy at the thought of blood on the floors and the disgusting smell." The blonde even gagged at the thought. Not wanting to experience something so graphic ever.

"Well that's good." He claimed before they walked together to the large building.

Of course they took the elevator, just because Parker convinced him. Chester wanted to run up the stair and bet on who will get first on their floor, but knowing how the other was worried he let it slide this time. Once the elevator made a small 'ding' while the doors opened they walked out of it. Although Chester was expecting for the other to say their goodbyes and go to their own apartment it seemed like Parker wanted to be with him more. He didn't mind it, after all they have gone though, it was understandable.

He unlocked the door to his apartment and was met with the smell of lemons, seemed like the Crime scene cleaners did a good work into cleaning it. His apartment was basically shinning more than ever. "Well, looks normal." He mumbled, he did see some scratches here and then around his furniture but it was alright. "Yeah.." Parker sighed, looking at the flowers that have given up on life. He could see on the petals dried up blood of someone. "It's best i throw these away." He took the vase and walked over to the kitchen counter.

He was practically acting like he was living here. Chester chuckled at the other's sad expression. "Don't tell me you're seriously sad about some flowers." He walked over to the other, leaning against the counter with his hip against it. "So? Flowers are important and pretty to us, without them we wouldn't have something called like honey." He mumbled out, pouring out the old water that was left in the glass vase. "Without bees you wouldn't also be able to get honey." He rolled his eyes.

"So what's then so important in your job? All you do is stab people with needles." He scoffed as he looked at him while cleaning the vase from what the flowers left.

Chester bit his lip as he looked down at his fingers- he could keep a good eye contact while doing all that. He wondered to himself how good would he be at se- focus Chester!

He mentally slapped himself for that thought. "Well...it's just as experimenting with liquids... whenever I draw I always think of how it looks like how it could come out alive. I just like the creativity.." He sighed, looking away as he had no idea how to explain to someone who had a 'soft job' or so. If people saw them as their jobs Parker would get compliments while Chester would get the lines of 'satanist', 'skin cancer' and 'demon'.

It's like a ballerina being with a punk or a metal head. His throat suddenly felt dry as he stood there in silence.

"I'm sorry- I shouldn't have judged you." He breathed out after a while, maybe he should think more before saying bullshit. "It's fine, my job isn't now the type for people to dream about." He washed out the vase and started drying it. "You know, I can do it by myself." "You're weak, you shouldn't be standing there. Go lay down or sit down." He snapped back, not that he was raising his voice. "You're not my boy-" Chester coughed awkwardly at the end, cutting himself off.

"Repeat that." Parker set the vase down and took the dead flowers in his hands. Feeling it crunch under his grip, he didn't understand what was so wrong about saying 'you're not my boyfriend'. "No." He huffed, crossing his arms angrily. "You were about to say boyfriend am I right?" He murmured, he could tell by the wide eyes and the half open mouth that he was correct.

"You really are a strange one." He shook his head, sighing deeply. "Most people would brush it off but you? You ask about it right away. No, wonder you don't have a boy- a girlfriend." He corrected himself, trying to cover it with a small cough. "I'm unlabeled." He grumbled, still holding onto the flowers until he remembered. He right away threw it into the trash can. "You- You are?" He blinked, not expecting the other to be so dead serious about it.

Mostly because his serious face would scare him. Or was it emotionless? He couldn't tell what was really the right word for it. "Yeah." He put his hands into his pockets and looked down at the other. "Jesus- I mean I had the feeling for you to be into guys, but it seems like I was totally wrong about it!" He gasped out, not noticing that he had held his breath for a long time.

"Don't worry about it...and you should get some rest." He said the last part sternly, giving a small glare at the other. With a sigh and a nod he walked to the couch and sat on it. He could hear some shuffling behind him, then suddenly a door opening and closing. Looks like he left. Oh, well, he had his own apartment and he had probably work to do.

He laid himself down, biting his lip as he thought. He knew there will probably a ugly bruise if he keeps biting down onto his lip but he couldn't help it. It was a habit of his whenever he thought about stuff. Yet at the same a human cannot just simply stop thinking. Everyone needs to think once in a while and that was him, just that he was doing it every day.


He sighed as he brushed a hand through his hair, why was Parker so helpful with him? Why was he all nice? He liked the other, sure, who wouldn't after saving your life?

He jumped at the sound of a door opening, he sat up quickly. "Parker?" He called out, earning a small yeah from the other. He sighed happily. "Why did you come back?" He yelled back, watching as the other soon popped out, holding a bouquet of blue flowers. "You didn't seriously just get flowers for me?" He chuckled nervously. He didn't expect the other to be gone for some flowers. "Well, your ones were dried up and I got you some fresh ones." He pointed to the empty but also clean vase.

"You didn't have to- How much do I have to pay you? 500 bucks? 800?" He panicked, standing up in the process to look for his wallet. "Chester- It's a gift, you don't have to pay me." He tried to calm the other down, as he didn't want the other to harm his dislocated shoulder further as it was just starting to heal. "But-" "Chester." He said sternly, taking him by the arms gently. He looked up at the other, guilt forming in his throat. "It's a gift, don't pay me anything back." He reassured again. With a nod he apologized for his small outburst.

They continued hanging out with each other until it was night time. Their last moments being with their goodbyes and them walking into their own bedrooms to get some rest. 

"Forelsket" PARKSTERWhere stories live. Discover now