Chapter 2: Another day, another mission

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Location: Mother ship, mission briefing

Time: 14:30

T walked behind G towards the mission brief, he and his squad had been called upon by the higher-ups and T was sort of excited for what ever mission he and his squad were going to be sent on since he liked making the company and his squad happy.

As they arrived at the door, G turned around to face T and A.

G: Alright listen you two, when we enter I want both of you to look professional. T you're doing good looking professional and A...just try your best. A stood straight and had a serious face though the moment G turned around she went back to normal. This made T chuckle a little.

When G opened the door he was sort of annoyed to see L and his squad standing at the table.

G's mind: Oh great we're going to be stuck with the frenchy.

L's mind: Oh great ve're shtuck wiv ze annoying ones.

T smiled when he saw his friend E, who was a member of L's squad.

T: Hi E!

T waved happily

E: aye mate!

A stood with her arms crossed, sort of annoyed that she had to work with another squad. She kind of feared that another drone would come out of nowhere and steal T's heart. She then noticed the soft spoken P approaching her.

P was a very interesting drone, she was sweet, kind and shy. With this info you would assume that P may be all sweet and innocent at home, but on the battle field she is a monster gaining respectable kill counts.

With this info you could assume that P and A have near identical personalities. Yet P is much more timid and shy than A. P has long, straight, hair and wears a skirt and a beret.

P: h-hey A, looks like our squads are going to be working together.

A just gave P a small glair which scared her off. She wasn't going to let someone who copied her personality steal her T.

P: A-alright then.

All the drones sat down at the table when they're captain, Tessa walked in.

G: Captain Tessa all drones are accounted for, we are ready for the briefing.

Tessa was a human unlike the drones. She wore a black space suit concealing her face, she also had a JCJenson hat and carried around a medieval sword and a revolver. She then briefed them on their mission.

Tessa: A weapons facility on the snow planet Iron-12 has had their experimental animal based drones go haywire and now they're causing chaos. These prototypes were designed for mass destruction so I decided that both Delta squad and Omega squad should tackle this together.

A: O-oh great, a-another ice ball.

After being briefed the two squads were sent off to the facility on Iron-12.

Location: weapons facility, Iron-12

Time: 15:00 hours

When they arrived at Iron-12, G and L came up with a plan.

Most of the prototypes were wolves which were the most dangerous prototype so they decided that G, A and P will go and hunt down the wolves whilst T and E would accompany L while he fights some of the bigger, less dangerous prototypes.

T and E followed L through the empty ruins. E let out a sigh. 

E: Aye boss, what are we doing here?

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