Chapter 4: Asteroids, Paint, Wires and Secrets

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Time 4:30

Location: Mother Ship Hanger

G was walking down the corridor minding his own buisness when he saw Squad Beta in the hanger near the airlock. He decided to walk up to them.

V let out a short groan.

V: Ugh this is stupid! I should be out on a mission killing rouges not doing!

J slapped V on the back.

J: V this is extremely important work. There's an oncoming asteroid field and we need to remove anything that could pose a threat to the mother ship. Plus we want a good reputation right?

G walked up to N who was standing with V and J.

G: Hi N, V, J, what's going on here?

N turned to see G.

N: Oh hey G! Me and my squad are going outside to destroy some asteroids.

G raised an eyebrow.

G: Then why do you have paint with you?

N: Oh yeah the mother ship is due a fresh coat of paint so I'll be helping!

G: Strange I thought the mother ship didn't need painting.

J walked up behind N.

J: N if I find out you've painted dogs and flowers on the ship I swear I will pin you to the outside of this ship!

N just nervously laughed this off.

N: Welp bye G. said N as he and his squad walked into the airlock.

G sighed and walked to the maintinence room. As he walked down the corridor, he saw K with Q, U and some other drones. He also saw F, who was E's sister, dart into her room.

K had her hair tied up in a bun and wore glasses and a fluffy jacket to look stylish. She was also a squad leader.

K was quite popular with the other disassembly drones, you could say she was the popular girl, good looking though not the smartest. She noticed G before she blushed and looked away only for Q grab her.

Q: This is your chance, go get him!

Q then gave K a push towards G. K looked at her unapproving.

G: K is everything alright?

K blushed up again as Q gave her a thumbs up. She hesitantly turned facing G.

K: Uh y-yeah I'm fine...G...

G:...okay then. Well I'm gonna-


G looked at her with a confused look.

K: What I meant to say you...want to hang out...sometime?

G: Uh sure, though I'm a little busy today. Is tommorow okay?

K: Y-yes! Totally, tommorow, sounds great!

G: Okay then great. Sorry I gotta go, catch ya later.

With that G runs off towards maintinence. K lets out a big sigh of relief before turning and glaring at Q who had a big smile on her face with her hands up to her face.

K: Not a it?

Q: What, you had to talk to him eventually Kitty Cat.

K: Stop calling me that.

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