12th February, 2024

9 1 0

In shadows of memory, I tread,
Where echoes of love now lay dead.
Each step a battle, each breath a sigh,
As I struggle to bid the past goodbye.

The heart, a captive of yesteryears,
Clings to hopes, drowned in tears.
In the chambers of sorrow, I dwell,
Caught in the spell of a lingering spell.

The path to freedom, fraught with pain,
As I search for solace, in vain.
For time's gentle touch, a fleeting grace,
Yet the wounds of the soul, refuse to erase.

The whispers of ghosts, hauntingly near,
Remind me of joys, once held dear.
Yet the chains of yesterday, bind me tight,
As I yearn for the dawn, amidst darkest night.

Oh, how hard it is to move on,
When the heart's melody is but a mournful song.
But I'll gather the fragments, piece by piece,
And embrace the future, in sweet release.

In the labyrinth of memories, I roam,
Haunted by shadows of love, once known.
Each corner holds a piece of our past,
A bittersweet reminder, it couldn't last.

The colors of yesterday, vivid and bright,
Now fade into shades of black and white.
Yet amidst the gray, a flicker of hope,
A beacon to guide me, as I learn to cope.

The scars of heartache, etched deep within,
A testament to battles fought and sins.
But from the ashes, I'll rise anew,
With strength forged from pain, tried and true.

For though the road ahead may seem long,
I'll march on, with a heart ever strong.
And though the memories may never fade,
I'll embrace the future, unafraid.

For in the journey of letting go,
Lies the power to heal and grow.
So I'll cherish the lessons, the pain has taught,
And find peace in the battles, fiercely fought.

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