March 6th, 2024

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In shadows long, I've wandered lost,
Through valleys deep, and storms I've tossed.
But now I rise, with courage near,
To face my fears, to shed the tear.

With every step, a journey starts,
A healing path, from broken parts.
In quiet whispers, hope is found,
As tender hands lift me from the ground.

Through tangled woods, I forge my way,
Beneath the moon's soft, guiding ray.
Each footprint left, a testament,
To strength reclaimed, and grace well-spent.

I sift through memories, buried deep,
In search of solace, I seek to keep.
With gentle hands, I hold my past,
In tender embrace, it's peace at last.

The scars I bear, like badges worn,
A testament to battles sworn.
But in their lines, a story told,
Of resilience, and hearts made bold.

I dance with shadows, hand in hand,
Through valleys low, and barren land.
But in the darkness, I find my light,
A beacon strong, through darkest night.

With open arms, I greet the dawn,
A symphony of hope reborn.
In every breath, a chance to heal,
To mend the wounds, and hearts reveal.

The journey long, but worth the fight,
To reclaim joy, and find delight.
With every step, I'm closer still,
To peace within, and strength of will.

So here I stand, with head held high,
Beneath the vast and endless sky.
My healing journey, now my own,
In love and light, my spirit's flown.

In the quiet spaces of the soul, 
Where echoes of pain take their toll, 
A whisper stirs, a gentle call, 
To begin the journey, to stand tall. 

Through shadows cast by past's embrace, 
A path unfolds, a sacred space, 
Where wounds are tended, with tender care, 
And healing blossoms, beyond despair. 

In the depths of vulnerability's embrace, 
Courage takes root, finding its place, 
To face the fears, to embrace the unknown, 
And nurture seeds of resilience sown. 

With each step forward, a leap of faith, 
Navigating the labyrinth, in search of grace, 
Unraveling layers, shedding the weight, 
Embracing the journey, despite the debate. 

It's a journey of courage, of strength untold, 
Of letting go, and learning to hold, 
The broken pieces, with gentle hands, 
And weave them together, into life's grand plan. 

So, let the healing journey commence, 
With openness, with presence, with patience, 
For in the journey, lies the key, 
To reclaiming wholeness, to setting free.

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