1. Frat Boy // c.h.

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The bitter New York wind stings your face as you rush across campus, eager to reach your warm, beloved, car. You round the corner and are filled with joy the second your car comes into view only to be filled with annoyance a moment later. You mumble several obscenities under your breath as you realize that your car is trapped due to the moron who parked extremely close and crooked next to you, preventing you from leaving. You hear a few snickers behind you and turn to see a group of 4 boys watching you, each wearing a smirk. You make sure your annoyance is audible in your voice as you yell to them, "Who's car is this?"
A few of them snicker again and they all turn in and talk amongst themselves, occasionally turning around to look at you. After a full minute of waiting for a response in the freezing cold your patience has run out and you make your way over to the group, ready to chew them out for their lack of manners, however, your plan immediately falls apart as you realize that the group of boys are apart of none other than the infamous sigma chi fraternity. As much as you wish you didn't care what people thought of you, you do, and your self esteem instantly drops when you come face to face with 4 of the most loved, and hated, boys on campus who, as much as you hated to admit, were gorgeous.
"That's my car," one of the boys who looks slightly familiar says with a grin, "Sorry about the parking. I was in a bit of a hurry to get to class, running late, long night."
You don't hold back the look of disgust that quickly takes over your face and reply with only, "Yeah, okay, can you just move your car please?"
"Sure thing babe." He replies, grin still intact, as he follows you over to the parking lot.
"Your names (y/n), right?" He suddenly asks out of nowhere and you look at him with a mixture of surprise and confusion.
"Um, yeah it is," you murmur, "How do you-"
"We met at party once" He says as he gets into his car.
"We did?" You furrow your eyebrows in confusion as you rack your brain for the memory.
"Yeah," he says casually, "We made out." He smirks and shuts his car door as he backs out of the parking space, or rather spaces, as you stand there dumbfounded as the vague memory of the night that ended with you passed out drunk resurfaces.
"Calum???" You say in disbelief as he grins at you through his rolled down window.
"Its been a while (y/l/n)," he says mischievously, "Maybe we could meet up again some time, relive that night. The fraternity is having a party this weekend, maybe I'll see you there?"
You roll your eyes at his lame and disgusting attempt to plan a weekend hook up.
"Not a chance in hell." You say sternly.
"Hell is all about chances, (y/n). But how would an angel like you know that?" He says slyly.
You stare at him with what you hope looks like boredom and annoyance and thank God that the cold air had already made your cheeks pink prior to his comment before getting into your car and watching Calum drive away in your rearview. You mumble to yourself how unbelievably stupid Calum is as you back out and prepare to return home to your apartment but before you even put your car drive, you find yourself thinking of outfits to impress him. Despite your better judgment, you pull over to where the rest of the sigma chi boys are still standing and roll down your window. You take a deep breath and pray you wont regret what you're about to do as you lean your head out of the window and motion for one of them to come over.
"So, uh," you pause, "What time is the party?"

sorry for any typos/grammar mistakes i wrote this at 2am ok

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