2. Neighbor // m.c.

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It's nearly 1 am and although your eyelids are heavy, you can't sleep.

You can't sleep because tonight, like every other Friday night, your neighbor, Michael, is playing his guitar very, very loudly. You'd complained about your inability to sleep to your parents several times, but, since the Cliffords lived in a corner house, you, who lived right next door, were the only neighbors really affected by it.

In addition, both your parents were heavy sleepers and Michael's parents were actually very nice people which lead to your parents being no help at all because "It would be rude to complain," and "you can just wear ear plugs."

This weekend, however, the Cliffords were out of town, leaving Michael home alone, and you with a chance to finally ask him to shut up. You threw on a sweater over your shorts and tank top and made your way out through the front door, careful not to wake your parents, over to Michael's house.

The familiar sound of his guitar grows louder as you walk closer, but you're taken aback when you hear:

Don't wanna be an american idiot

You freeze in your place and continue listening.

Don't want a nation under the new mania

You've heard Michael play his guitar more times than you can count but not once in the 8 years you've lived next door have you heard him sing. You didn't even know he could sing.

And can you hear the sound of hysteria?

His voice is deep and strong with a roughness to it that you find very attractive.

The subliminal mind fuck america

You move closer to hear his voice better and suddenly you're blinded by the motion sensor light on his front porch. He stops playing, the night finally silent, and soon his window is open.

"Hello?" he says as he sticks his head out to find you standing on his porch, "(Y/N)? Is that you?"

"Um yeah," you shout back, "I was just, uh, gonna a-"

"Hold on- I can't hear you," he yells, "I'll come down, one sec."

You start to protest, insisting that it wasn't important, but he's already gone, and within seconds, he's at the front door.

"Hey," he smiles, "What's up?"

"Umm, nothing." you say awkwardly and he laughs.

"Okay, well, did you need something?"

"No, no I didn't," you ramble, "I just- I heard you singing. You sounded really good."

"Oh, I uh, I didn't realize you could hear me," he chuckles and rubs his neck, slightly embarrassed, "Wait you came over here at 1 am to tell me that?"

It's now your turn to be embarrassed and your cheeks turn as pink as his hair as you quickly answer, "No- I came to ask you to stop."

His face falls and you realize how bad that sounded so before he can speak you add, "Just because I couldn't sleep, not because you're bad, you're not bad at all, you're really good actually."

"Oh, thanks. I'm sorry for keeping you up, I didn't know it bothered you," he apologizes sweetly, "I won't play anymore, promise."

"No, I want you to play." you blurt.

"You want me to play?" he replies, eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"Yes- I mean not at 1 am- but, I liked listening to you."

"Playing is good, playing at 1 am is not good," he nods with a laugh, "Got it."

You both stand there in uncomfortable silence for a few moments before you turn to leave.

"Okay, well, goodnight." you wave briefly.

"Wait-" he calls out and you return to the door,

"Do you- um- do you wanna come inside maybe? You know, since I already kept you up, and you're already here."

You glance over at your own house and see no signs that your parents are awake so you smile at Michael and nod, accepting his offer.

"Well, since I'm already here..."

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