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Title inspired by song/lyrics: All pride aside by Dram Feat. Summer walker.

If I give you what you want
Here's what I need from you
To be the kind of man who makes
Lovin' you so easy to do
Keep the same amount of energy you're givin' now
And I'll make sure to be the only queen you give a crown
And boy, I hope you're bein' up front
'Cause how you say you in love
When you treat me like a drug?

-Present day-

"Y/N!? Look who decided to step out from her hermit cave and join the party!"

You were aware that it was meant to be a joke. But given your circumstances as of late, you couldn't help but feel a deep pang of annoyance soaring through you. The feeling is heightened when Gojo follows his words with a laugh.

Play it cool, you tell yourself. you're older than him girl, so you have to be more mature.

Craning your head upward, to look into his blue eyes, you respond flatly. "Hi, Gojo. Where's Drew?"

Gojo's smile widens "I just got here a couple of short minutes ago so I haven't seen Drew yet but I'm sure he's around. And don't be so stand offish, honey. You know I'm just poking fun. Between our traveling hockey games and practice, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever when we're home. Glad to see that dork isn't keeping you hostage."


You couldn't stop yourself from screwing your face into a scowl.

Over the years, for whatever reason, Gojo had taken a habit of occasionally calling you that—Honey. You don't know why he gave you the nickname, and when you asked, he simply laughed as if it were some inside joke. You'd given up on getting a serious answer out of him and settled. It wasn't like he called you it when you guys were around people you knew—it always seemed to be during the times when you two were alone. So that wasn't the reason for your expression. No, that was due to something else that came out of his mouth.

"Jason. His name is Jason, not 'Dork'. And he wasn't holding me hostage. " You correct him. "Also, he broke up with me."

Gojo's smile widens, "I know he did, Honey."

Note to self: Don't vent to Drew about anything anymore.

Should you have really been surprised that your brother ran and told Gojo about your breakup? The two's relationship hadn't wavered over the years. If anything, they became like brothers since being recruited into the hockey league.

"How much did he tell you exactly?" You probe him with narrowed eyes. "I hope to God you didn't go around making jokes about it with your friends ."

"Get real, honey, do I look like I would do something like that? I get that I poke fun at you every now and then, but I wouldn't go talking about something like that. I swear." He motions for a cross over his broad chest. "I mean it, though. You hardly come around anymore so I'm happy you're here."

Gee, I wonder why is it that I don't feel inclined to be around in the first place.

You thought darkly.

Much has changed over the years between you and Gojo. Besides the fact that you were now no longer taller than him and he was visibly more muscular, all of which was thanks to him and drew becoming professional athletes. His attitude towards you got a little harder to deal with. Sure, you still cared about him but Gojo had become a handful- whether that was due to his success that fueld his occasional condescending cockiness or not, you weren't sure. There were still moments where he showed that he was still that hard headed but caring boy who appreciated your presence and patience with him—even if he didn't verbally express it. And then there were other moments when it seemed as if he reveled in the attention that being a star hockey player brought him. The attention, and the women.

Pride aside - Gojo Satoru fanficWhere stories live. Discover now