*Plays Family Reunion theme song*

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"How about we take a civil approach to this alright? You put the fists away and we have a calm, civil discussion like respectful people?" My mother says.

"No" I simply respond.

I mean, she's sending me off to live with my father.

As far as I know he left to go get some milk and never came back.

But now my mother is over here yapping about how he's apparently in some Mafia Cartel or something.

Yeah right, and I'm mentally stable.

"So what you're telling me is that my father is Carl Gallagher?"

My mother scowls, "I'm serious, this is gonna be good for you. ."

Well good 4 you, you look happy and healthy-

Shut up you stupid conscious 


"Venus! Are you even listening to me?!" My mothers heavy Russian accent snaps me back to reality.

"Yep. Father, Carl Gallagher, Mafia. See?"

My mother smacks me upside the head.

"Ouch! Alright I got it"

My mother sighs as she hands me my suitcase and backpack, "I'm gonna miss you Venus"

"I'm gonna miss you to Ma" I say, hugging her back.

I wheel my luggage out to the car waiting out front as I take one final look at my childhood home.

I'm gonna miss this place.

Liar, you always hated this ghetto ass neighborhood

Shut up

I get rather quickly to the airport and board on the plane, I sat next to this tall muscular guy with platinum hair in a buzz cut.

Oh my fuck, President Snow?!

During the plane ride I kept side-eyeing the man until I finally took out my phone and began to play Roblox.

Don't judge.

By the time I landed in Rome I was silently raging at some bitch In Fashion Famous who got a higher score than me.

Built like a burnt fucking biscuit 

I got my luggage and looked around the airport until I spotted a black car with a tall man who looked just like me standing outside it.

He was tall, had a muscular build and had chestnut hair with the start of a beard on his chin.

He looked like Chris Evans, if Chris Evans had tattoos and wore Gucci and Louis Vuitton all over.

I walked up to the car, deciding to test my luck and see if it really was my father.

"Hello Sperm Donor" I said and he pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

Damn, he smells like rich people

"Oh mi principessa, sei cresciuta  così tanto" he says in a deep voice

"Uhm. . Wee wee?" I respond

Bitch are you for real right now? Wee wee? Seriously?

He lets go of me and smiles.

Now that's some DILF material. .

Shut up you obese roach

You do realize you just called yourself an obese roach right?

"I can't wait for you to meet the rest of the family, my sweet girl"

"The rest?" I ask, giving my best impression of the Rocks eyebrow raise.

"Yes, your brothers"

And cue the family reunion theme song.

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