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A/N. Heeseung as Heli.
Jay as Jaan.
Jake as Jino.
Sunghoon as Solon.
Sunoo as Shion.
Jungwon as Jakah.
NI-KI as Noa.


Prince Heli shook my heart hardly as I couldn't Stop thinking about him! I'm literally embarrassed yet about what I just did- I meant it was not intentionally it was an accident! I wish it was !
Thanks to Prince Jaan, we talked a lot and it helped me to slip away Heli from my mind! Heli has occupied my brain and hear-t! Nevermind! I'm thinking like a nonsense young girl who finally finds her Prince charming riding on a horse! I wish I were a girl so it could be easy to approach! But that's a myth only! I have many responsibilities on my shoulders as I was born as a man especially as blue blood is flowing through my nerves ! I just can't swim away from the reality!

I have to accept the FATE!

But I felt an ache in my heart as he left the room along with Shion! I wanted to watch him as long as I could! I know I like his presence but it's worthless ! I know in the end it's still impossible for a man to Love another man romantically! So that decided, though we were physically involved with each other there is nothing else other than using each other!

I was busy wondering about the whole thing while staring at the door and waiting for him without even notice!
I didn't realise when Jakha and Noa sat next to me. I didn't get who but somebody asked a question to my ears

Are you waiting for Brother Heli?

Yess damn yes! And I literally nodded without even thinking and startled up from the couch! It was jakha who wishpered and now he's laughing with Noa giggling next to him. They are teasing me?

Wait! I didn't mean it!

I tried to convince them while Jaan's and Solon's eyes were on me either, I know they're holding their laugh as they pursued their lips. Damn this is too embarrassing! I was about to utter something but my words stucked inside my throat as Noa Pointed his finger toward the door muttering

Oh! Brother And Shion!
I Snapped my gaze at the door just to see no one else where there! Shit! They tricked me! And i heard the noughty kids laughing!

Come on! Why are you doing this?
I asked while soundings like a nagging kid!

I'm sorry I'm sorry! Jakha spoke while trying his best to stop laughing!
Solon frowned and blurted out a bit serially just to rescue me!
Noa ! Prince Jino is older than you! Behave yourself!

Upps! Sorry Prince Jino! We were just kidding with you! Noa Bowed obeying his brother and I smiled awkwardly. I hope my brother would listen to me like him ! I gasped Uttered

Well whatever! I'm going to take some rest! Please excuse me! And left the room I know they are now wondering whether I'm mad at them or not! But I'm not! I really wanted to take some rest and about to go...... There......


I don't know why ! I'm standing in front of Guru's chamber!

I blushed! God that was not my intention! But my feet brought me here as if I wanted to see him instead of sleeping! Now I'm literally behaving like a teen girl!
Whatever i decided to knock the door ! Well I have nothing to do other than that ! Let's meet Guru !

I was about to tap on the door but poased as something reached my ears!

Three of you will die soon!

I extended my eyes as I Heard that from guru' s mouth! What is he talking about? Am I hearing it wrong? No I'm not!

Wh-who are you talking about?

Prince Heli Uttered while his voice was little shutterd . I was waiting for to hear anything worse at anytime as my hands were shivering.

I can't say! Guru sighted out and began again I'm old now! My eyesight are weak now ! I just can scene it! But!
He paused crossing his arms
I'm wondering if it's going to happen because of you two!

Why-why you think that! Guru? Shion questioned as I could hear his heart pounding faster and faster! My throat dried up , i couldn't move my limps like a statue behind the door. My ears are burning up.

Isn't it obvious? Do you think you can keep it as a secret eternaly? Your appearance between people is almost a destruction of human kind! You have only two options! Die or let people die!

Guru poused for a while as if he took some break from talking for inhal. I don't understand anything! I was puzzled. My legs becoming weak and faril . I wanted to ran away before hearing the worst!
then I heard a footstep inside the door as if someday walked away from his previous place and stopped after taking five or six steps. My ears rang as I heard Prince Heli specking with an intense voice when I could image his face with eyebrows frowned

Guru! If this is the case! Can you tell me? Why I'm like this?

He is like this? What is he like? What did he mean? What he wanted to know? These all questions began to run on my minds track and widened my eyes as he pronounced further.

Why I born as A HALF VAMPIRE !


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