Chapter 2: Venmo

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"Quite honestly, Miss Jacobs, your resume is phenomenal. I am thrilled to have you with us."

I roll my eyes, wondering how in the name of everything good I ended up reporting to a stuck-up asshole of a supervisor. The same man who spoke those words two months ago is now the one who's been making my life a living hell, solely because I'm the only one with a degree in this run-down mess of a company.

"I should fuckin' be in charge, dude," I say aloud as I eat my lunch in my car alone. I bite into my sandwich and feel a glob of mayo fall onto my skirt. I groan and roll my eyes. Fucking Subway with their copious amounts of sauce.

I set the food down and reach into my glovebox for a napkin. As I move to wipe the sauce away, I notice writing in blue pen.

"Oh, shit."

I scramble for my phone and open Venmo. I can't believe I forgot to pay Dan back for breakfast. At least I have the money now. I search his username and send him the money with a quick apology message.

You paid Daniel Avidan - $30.86
October 12 🔒
Hi Dan, this is Rosalie Jacobs. You paid for breakfast for my sister and me a couple of months ago and I've been so busy at my new job that I forgot to send this back. Thank you so much again.

A quick glance at the time tells me my lunch break is over. I use another napkin to clean up my skirt and decide to wrap my cardigan around my waist as I step out of the car.

As I head back inside to a job I hate but need, my phone buzzes in my hand. I check to see a notification from Venmo.

Daniel Avidan paid you $30.86

"What?" I stop dead in my tracks in the lobby, opening the app.

Daniel Avidan paid you + $30.86
October 12 🔒
Hey Rosalie, don't worry about it. You're very sweet, but I'd rather you have the money to get the things you need.

I roll my eyes and send it back.

You paid Daniel Avidan - $30.86
October 12 🔒
Dan, please accept this. It's the least I can do to repay your kindness.

I walk back to my office and sit down at my computer, feeling the waves of anxiety wash over me as I look at the screen. Another notification lights up my screen, this one also from Dan on Venmo.

Daniel Avidan paid you + $30.86
October 12 🔒
My kindness doesn't need a repayment, I promise. Take care of yourself.

"Dude, come on." I frantically send it back with another message.

You paid Daniel Avidan - $30.86
October 12 🔒
Dude please, I don't have the time for this back and forth. I've got work to do at a place I hate but unfortunately pays well. This isn't a problem for me, okay?

I turn and try to continue editing the video of the local high school football game, but for some reason, I can't figure out what one of my coworkers did to fuck it up this badly. The audio was not synched to the video, it was echoing, and somehow there was music playing that drowned out the marching band completely. I'd been working on this since I arrived this morning, and I'd pulled a late shift last night to work on a different project with the same issues.

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