Nightshade Province Unicorns

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Unicorns that live in the Nightshade Province, as the locals call it; A dark place with little to no sunlight, rocky cliffs, oddly bioluminescent flora, and sometimes fauna. The unicorns here have sharper horns that glow in the dark as well as glowing hooves, noses, manes, markings, and tails. The purpose this serves is to warn predators and attract mates. Strangely, they have semi-prehensile tails that can be used to grip onto rocks. Their hooves also have tiny grooves, allowing them to easily walk up even the steepest stones.

Scientific name: Umbra Unicornis.

Common name: Shadow Unicorn.

Family name: Equiformidae

Adult stallion size: 7'5"-8'9".

Young adult stallion size: 7'-7'7".

Sub-adult stallion size: 6'9"-7'4".

Yearling stallion size: 4'12"-5'8"

Foal stallion size: 3'10"-4'8"

Adult mare size: 7'-8'6".

Young adult mare size: 6'7"-6'11".

Sub Adult mare size: 5'10"-6'5".

Yearling mare size: 4'11"-5'6".

Foal mare size: 3'10"-4'7".

Female name: mare.

Male name: stallion.

Young name: foal, yearling, sub-adult, and young adult.

Female young name: filly.

Male young name: colt.

Diet: herbivorous but has been observed eating small bits of meat.

Lifespan: 20-50 years in the wild, 30-70 years in captivity if they are given exceptional care.

Foal: newborn-11 months.

Yearling: 1 year.

Sub adult: 2-4 years.

Young adult: 5-7 years.

Adult: 8-40 years.

Elder: 41-42 years; rarely, a herd doesn't go long without being attacked by predators, so no unicorns are elders for very long.

Respected elder: 43-50 years.

Oldest specimen: A mare who lived to be 83.

Mares usually live anywhere from 10-20 years older than the stallions.

The darker a unicorn's color, the more respected they are within their respective groups since they can hide better. Brighter colored unicorns are often immediately made scouts, no matter what they should have been. Lightly or fully brightly colored unicorns are either killed or banished from the herd as foals.




The mare unicorns of the Nightshade Province; they are slightly smaller than the stallions, but their tail is longer.

Mare Herd Hierarchy

Lead mare: highest, gets the best food, water, protection, and stallions. All the mares listen to her.

Leader's heir: second highest rank, right below the leader. No matter their previous standing within the herd, they automatically get respected. Unless the leader pardons them, any unicorn who mistreats them, even before becoming the heir, is killed or banished from the herd.

Respected elders: the third highest role. These mares used to be normal elders but 'proved' themselves after surviving a predator attack in their weaker state.

M.E.M.A.P.A. classified files: The Unicornis branch of the Equiformidae family.Where stories live. Discover now