First day of school.

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Lil's pov:
School sucks, you can't sugar coat that. You may be able to say "the foods good", or "I go only to see my friends." But really you go because you're forced to. I didn't like school either until I met the idiots that thought me how to use my abilities.

8:00 a.m
*a loud bell rings screaming for kids to get to class*
My first class of the day how exciting. Said literally no kid ever. I take my seat, next to me on my left was a red devil looking girl, boy? And on my right was a deer. Ever since public schools were told to let in hybrids we've been receiving some weird kids. "Hello, I'm Dex. And that lady on the right to you is my friend Dea. What is your name?" Dex said with a formal voice like she was presenting a design to the president. "Lil, it's short for Lilac."

After that class we had to go to S.A.T, it's where kids with special abilities show off while us normals try to do gym. This year was odd tho the put me in the special group, I'm usually with the normal people. "You're a hybrid too? You look so normal tho." Said a sweet voice behind me, it was Dea. "I'm not, it's a mistake." I said in a shyer tone. "No mistake, miss fastley." The teacher said like he was too tired to talk.

We got though all the hybrids, then it came down to me and those two girls. We started to do the training, but when I got to the bar we had to swing on to get across the mud pit, I couldn't reach. "Quick use that long hair of yours or we're gonna lose!" Dex yelled. Long hair? My hairs always been shoulder length. I slowly lifted my hand and and pulled some of my hair over my shoulder, it was black and white. My hair is naturally brown. Before I said anything my hair reached out and grabbed the bar pulling me to it and swinging me past the mud.

At the end of class I decided to skip the rest of the day to figure out this thing with my hair. I was going to ask dex if she knew anything but nothing came out of my mouth. I lifted my hand slowly and touched my mouth it felt like an x. I had enough, I grabbed my back pack and ran towards the dorm rooms. When I got inside my dorm I slammed the door and started to read every book I had on hybrids. This mystery was going to be solved soon. I felt my mind wisp away from everything important just to focus on this. My mind was gone.

Authors note:
I have a webtoon account aswell to post character sheets if you wanna see what these characters look like the name of the webtoon it "backstory non existent"Next mind is Dea's sense she didn't get much in this chapter.

See you next time!!! :)

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