021 || Dawn

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Max's Pov

I was exhausted.

I had been traveling twice as much since Sabrina was... let go. 

It was strange not having her at races. I had always loved the banter that we had before races. 

Her competitive attitude would clash with her fondness for me, as the result was very entertaining.

"I will run that beautiful, beautiful face into the ground." Was just one example of the playful taunts she would throw my way. 

But now, without her, the atmosphere felt different. The absence of her presence made the races feel incomplete, as if a vital piece was missing from the puzzle.

I was barley sleeping. With her, my nightmares seemed to dissipate, as her presence brought a sense of comfort and security. I longed every night to wake up and see her sleeping form next to me.

I had memorized every curve and contour of her face. The way her body would rise and fall with each gentle breath, and the way her lips would slightly part, created the most peaceful expression. I had lain awake for countless nights, just watching her breathe. Sometimes tacing the slope of her back with my fingertips.

Her presence brought a sense of tranquility that I had never experienced before. It was as if her mere existence had the power to chase away all my fears and anxieties, allowing me to finally find solace in sleep.

I missed her.

The only comfort was that I knew that she wouldn't be completely alone. Loki would be with her. I knew that she had always wanted a dog, so, after the... incident, I made up my mind. He was an old police dog, so I knew that if it came down to it, he would protect her.

I had taken a picture of them before it left, which I now keep in my pocket at all times. She was sitting on the couch, her arms wrapped around Loki. 

Pure joy and love radiated from her face. The black dog's head was lying gently on her swollen belly, as if he knew that he needed to be particularly gentle around her.

I pulled the photo out of my pocket now, a small smile spreading across my lips as I brushed its surface with my thumb. It was almost as if she were smiling at me, even from half a world away.

My race had gone well. I had won. But it wasn't the same. I wanted her there. I missed her presence, her cheering, and her support. The victory felt hollow without her by my side, as if something was missing from the celebration.

It was late.

I was sitting alone in my empty room, staring at this photo. The others had gone out to celebrate, but I had chosen to stay behind. All I wanted to do in this moment was hold her.

It was just as the longing for her was getting almost unbearable, my phone rang. I blinked, trying to pull myself out of my thoughts. I grabbed my phone.

Unkouwn caller.

That's always a good sign.

Normally I would ignore unknown calls, but a little voice in the back of my head told me to pick up. I pressed the green button, holding the phone up to my ear, bracing myself for whatever was on the other end of the line.

"Hello?" I asked cautiously. There was no reply for a couple of seconds, as if someone was fumbling with their phone. I could hear people talking loudly in the background, but I couldn't make out the words.

"Hello?" I asked again, louder this time. Still, there was no response. I was just about to hang up when I heard an out-of-breath voice.

"Max? MAX! Is that you?"

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