043 || Like Water

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Max's POV 

How frightening, to feel like you are drowning in a place where there is no water.

And I am. Drowning.

I am drowning in a sea of thoughts of a world without her.

I have felt anger before, but nothing like this. This anger is a living thing inside of me, writhing and clawing its way through my veins, threatening to tear me apart from the inside out. It's not the anger of frustration, or betrayal, or even despair. It's an anger born of love, of a desperation to hold on to the one thing that makes my world go round.

But the pain... oh, the pain. 

It's like a knife to my heart, twisting and turning, slicing through my very soul. Every breath I take feels like a betrayal, as if my body is conspiring against me.

The room feels too small, too bright. The walls close in on me, the air becomes thick with despair. I can't breathe, I can't think.

And yet, I can't help but feel as if I've failed her. And she's suffering, and all I can do is stand here, helpless as a child, my own heart shattering into a million pieces with every breath she takes.

I close my eyes, trying to steady myself, to find some small sliver of peace in this storm. But the memories keep flooding back, unbidden and unwelcome. 

The way she laughs, 

the way she smiles, 

the way her skin felt beneath my fingers. I can't escape them, no matter how hard I try. They dance across my eyelids like ghosts, taunting me, reminding me of all that I have lost, and all that I am about to lose.

And as I stand there, alone in the darkness, I can feel my resolve crumbling, my will to fight giving way to the inexorable tide of despair.

Because I know, deep down inside, that I cannot survive this. I cannot survive her. Not when she is gone. And the thought of trying to face a world without her... 

It's too much. It's too much for anyone to bear.

So here I stand, alone, my heart shattered into a million pieces, my soul screaming in agony.

That is true pain.

When the person you love more than life itself is slipping away from you, when you know that there is nothing you can do to save them, that is when you truly begin to understand what it means to hurt.

There is only a wall in between us. 

The ten feet have never felt so               f   a   r  .

How can I ever face her? 

How can I look into those beautiful eyes and say goodbye when every fiber of my being is screaming at me to hold on? To fight?

But the truth is, I am broken. 

I am shattered into a million pieces, and there is no way to put me back together again. I can feel it, deep down in my soul. There is no life for me without her. 

                                                                            No purpose. 

                                                                                            No meaning.

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