Act-2 : Fate

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There's something that must have happen to everyone in their childhood.
Parents telling their child not to eat more then necessary, or else you may get stomach problems.

Well, when Phayu was a child, his parents would tell to not ask more then necessary or else whatever you have in your hand will be lost.

Phayu never asked like, time from his parents. His favourite snacks. His favourite movie tickets. No, he was a disciplined obedient child.

But, every child once they become teen, they start to rebel. Phayu wasn't like them, he would obediently listen to everything his parents said.

It's hard to be pure and easy to be tainted.

Phayu found his rebel in a boy. A boy fallen from the Heaven, right on his plate. Ready to be devoured.

He controlled himself, he cannot let this angel slip right through his fingers. Life is unpredictable, things happens for a reason. Rain's existence is Phayu's reasoning.

He watched as Rain walked out from the restaurant, this is not their first meet. They have met before, their story written on a stone. Never to be erased.

Rain's car suddenly stopped at the middle of the road, despite the fact that the road is empty, it is already 11 pm only some cars passing by in full speed.

"Aiyah! Shit! Why does I have the worst luck in this universe!?" Rain shouted at himself, in the dark silence his voice piercing it. The rain outside pour heavily. He was returning from his friend's home after doing a day-long assignment. And just when he thought he could finally relax, his car broke down. Finding an open garage at this time of night is impossible, troubled with the heavy rain.

As he was cursing himself, a bike stopped right beside him. The rider knocking on his window, he yelped loudly. As he looked, he saw a man wearing black leather jacket with a big helmet.

'Never trust stranger, Rain.'

He slide down his window, "Is there any problem?" The rider asked, his face hides behind the dark glass. Rain bits his lips, thinking wether he should ask for help or not. Its already late, no garages nearby. He have no other choice anyway.

"Umm Khun, My car seems to have broke down. Can you please help?" Rain asked, his big eyes sparkling under the street lights. The rider for a moment observed him, and Rain wonder if this man would refuse him. The rider noded, taking out his helmet.

And Rain can swear, his breath have been taken away by this mysterious rider.

"Don't worry." The rider said. The man have sharp black eyes, like that of a cat. His thin lips curved slightly in a smile. His hair tied in a topknot.

He looks as if he is sculpted by the hands of Greeks. And Rain thought to himself, "This man looks almost as if he is Achilles, the aristos achaion¹."

The rider parked his bike beside Rain's car, and then started checking the motor.

Rain walked out of the car, taking an umbrella and stood beside the rider. Shedding him from the water droplets. He watched each and every movement of the rider. The way the man occasionally would 'tsked' and his fingers moving onto each machines. Inspecting it.

"Well I can repair this, my garage is nearby. If you want you can come." The rider's deep voice wake Rain up from his thoughtless stare on the man.

"Is something serious?" He asked, his voice small and scared. He do not want this to be found out by his parents or else they would never let him out with the car.

"Not much, I don't have my tools now. That's why." The serious voice made Rain impossible to reject.

This man is experienced, have a garage. And is kind enough to help him out. Rain accepted him. What can go wrong?

Everything can go wrong. Life is unpredictable, and everything happens for a reason.

Rain looked at his broken tyre.

"I can help, if you want." A voice whispered on his ear. It was welcoming. Like a siren.

But the siren always kill the sailor at the end. Bur Rain is not a sailor but Phayu definitely is a siren, tempting him in a way he do not understand. Those dark black eyes, hollow eyes, stares back. Challenging him to reject.

But at the same time, tender and soft. The duality suffocating him.

"Yes, please." Rain whispered back


Huiiii😭😭 it's been what? 1 year maybe. My phone broke, lost my accnt. And after a lots of hectic work finally found this. And I am again working on this (😋).
Sorry to everyone who have been waiting for this, T-T, I will do my best!😤 and I have improved a lot from before... so maybe we will see something lot?👀
¹aristos achaion : best of Man

Yeah I have been reading Song of Achilles recently, can't get my head out of it. So thought I should just put it on here. Also follow me on my ao3 accnt! Thank you!

A STRANGE FEELING //  Payu x Rain // Love in the airWhere stories live. Discover now