Act-2 : Coincidence

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The sound of crickets startled Rain, he looks around the cold dark place.


The rustling sound of leaves made him trembled, in fear. This isn't the first time he is here neither the last, he assumed.

But he feels a sudden warmth, he looks at the bright white Moon that shines strangely.

Is it dream? He believes it is. But why such? Rain finds himself hypnotised by the brightness that shines over him.

"Rain.." A deep voice calls him. He looks back, strange. The place despite having such a bright moon is so dark.

"Rain.." the voice again calls, and he walks towards the darkness.

Fading into it.


Rain opens his eyes, gasping for air. He looks at his friend, Sky.

"My my, I have been calling you since forever!" Sky shouts at him, patting on Rain's head as he coughs loudly.

"Sorry..." Rain says, his voice breaking.

"What happened? Same dream?" Sky's eyes softened, his voice filled with concern.

Rain smiles softly, and nods. Ever since he came back from Phayu's house, these strange dreams is following him everywhere.

He doesn't want his parents to find out, so he took shelter inside Sky's home. But as days went by, the dreams are turning into nightmare.

"You know, I feel like I am possessed or something. Should I go to the temple?" Rain asks, he truly doesn't know why is this happening. Even though he do not believes in Ghost or something, but the dreams are becoming more reality and affecting his studies. And earning anything below 'A+' is worse then nightmare.

Rain winced a little bit, remembering his father's hard stick striking on his elbow when he once got 'B'.

"I think we should, well tomorrow is Saturday, we have half class. Should we go then?" Sky says, passing a glass of water towards Rain, who drank it quietly.

"Hmm we should."

The rest of the day went on normal, with the same classes and people. He seems to forget about his daily torment while being with his friends.

At the canteen, Rain sits down alone. Sky and Sig still had an extra class going on. He peacefully drinks his favourite mango juice when a sudden warmth jolts him.

"Wh-Who?" He looks back, and there, Phayu? What is Phayu doing here?

The sharp eyes meets the innocent ones, Phayu observes each and every expression adorning on Rain's face.

"Hi, Nong'Rain."

"Umm, Hi phi." Rain's soft voice escaping from the red plump lips, made Phayu think he is a thirsty man roaming around the desert and finally found his water.

For the past two weeks, his mind was only occupied of Rain and Rain. The way he sees, the way he talks and the way he smiles. It is as if his mind have fixated towards Rain and he is a mere puppet roaming around him.
At first he didn't think much, he just wanted to see Rain, and the college is the best place to find him, no? He had sent people looking for him, each and every information feeding to him.

"What are you doing here, Phi?" Rain asks, but his eyes diverting towards other people who are watching them too closely. Of course they would, the college's ice Prince hovering over a junior, the perfect gossip material.

"Oh, just work related. I saw you, sitting here - alone - so I thought I would come up and say hi. We are that close, right?" And even if they aren't, it doesn't matter. He would make them close.

Rain laughed awkerdly, "Uh, yeah." Fidgeting with his fingers. He looks at his mango juice, this is so awkerd. Ever since that day, he hadn't met with Phayu. And those nightmares following him.

"Am I boring you?" Rain looks up at Phayu, startled from the sudden question.

"Uh, n-no! It's just-" "Just?"

Rain sighs, "You are Phi'Phayu and I am just Rain. And people are staring at us." And to be honest, Rain is not that much great with crowds.

Phayu laughs, "Then wouldn't that is much better? Rain and storm?"

Rain blushed deeply, his face red as tomato. Is Phayu flirting with him?

"Umm phi-"
"Rain!" Sky's voice interrupted Rain, Rain looks at Sky and Sig walking towards them. He waved at them.

Phayu looks at the both friends, his eyes suddenly turning cold and still.
Why didn't he knew that Sky is Rain's friend? Well then he truly needs to pass this information to someone who can help him.

"Uh, is it really Phi'Phayu?" Sig almost shouts, his eyes shocked and excited.

Phayu quickly schooled his expression and smiled, "Well, what do you say Nong'Rain?" Sig and Sky looks at Rain in confusion, why does their friend knows The Phayu? The most popular and teacher's favourite ex-student?

Rain looks at Phayu then back at his friend, "Haha, what a coincidence, we all know Phi..?"

"Well looks like I have to go now, see you later, Rain." With that Phayu took his leave from there.

"I can't believe it!" Sky shouted loudly.  Why does Rain knows Phayu?

"Yes, I can't believe it too!" Sig exclaimed, holding Rain's face on his palm, "Don't tell me you want to keep your boyfriend secret?"

"B-boyfriend? What boyfriend? He helped me once, that's how we know." Rain says, blushing hard. His mind going blank thinking about the Greek god Phayu as his boyfriend.

"Well then why didn't you told us?" Sky asked, his eyes firm. And Rain can only pray to God that Sky won't scold him harshly. Sometimes he feels, Sky is like his mom more then his own mom.

"Well... it wasn't that important! "

"It was! It is! Our innocent boy Rain is being courted by the Ice Prince!" Sig fake cries, and Rain almost chokes on his own salive, 'C-Courted?'

"Hey, stop joking. Listen Rain, don't get involved with Phayu. It's better to stay as far as you can." Sky whispers lowly.

Rain frowns, yes Phayu maybe sometimes weird but he isn't that bad of a person, Sky is getting worried for no reason.

"Phi is a good person, he helped me twice. You don't need to worry Sky."


"Alright, I have to go. I will meet you tomorrow." With that, Rain took his belonging and left his friends. His mind buzzing around the words Sky says.

Why does he seems so defensive against Phayu?

"Hey, why are so up against Phi?" Sig asks, poking his chopstick at Sky's cheeks.

Sky pushed away the sticks, and sighs, "Don't you know? Or do you pretend to not know? Just keep an eye on Rain."

Sig looks at Sky and wonders, 'You won't tell me and I don't know anything. GREAT!'

"Don't you wanna know where your boytoy is?"

"What the hell Phayu?"


Sorry for the late update, I totally forgot yesterday's day... and remembered at night and then I slept...

Yeah so, what do you think about the chapter? I seriously don't know where the plot is going right now😭 blame my fish memory. But yeahhh, I guess I will use the horror element a lot for now. .. let's just pretend Phayu is a ghost haunting our Rain.

A STRANGE FEELING //  Payu x Rain // Love in the airWhere stories live. Discover now